
Without Luther, There Would Be No Bach
Martin Luther never met Johann Sebastian Bach. The two Germans were born more than 200 years apart. But without Luther, there would have been no Bach.

Help Me Teach the Bible: Vern Poythress on Interpreting Scripture
Very Poythress explains steps for sound interpretation as well as mistakes Bible teachers often make. He offers keys to using a commentary wisely and to identifying analogies and types of Christ in the Old Testament.

We Need More “Parlour Preachers”
I am so envious of parlour preachers. Far harder than being a pulpit preacher.

Why You Shouldn’t Wait Until You Can Afford An Instagrammable Wedding
The overwhelmingly materialistic norms surrounding contemporary weddings are not simply irrelevant to marital happiness. Many are positively harmful.

The Gospel in Asia
Jeffrey Jue shares encouraging Gospel news from Asia

The advance of the gospel in Asia over the last century has been extraordinary. Christian churches are growing and thriving in countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, and of course South Korea, which boasts some of the largest churches in the entire world. Yet the gospel is also taking root in countries where we might not expect it to. For example, a movement of Reformed churches is growing in Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world. Moreover, the exponential growth of the house church movement in China is remarkable considering that the Communist government places strict restrictions on the activities of Christian churches. Clearly, the work of the gospel in Asia is something we rejoice over, continue to pray for, and look for opportunities to support.

And here’s more good news in The Gospel Tsuanmi Surging Through Latin America.

Are You Experiencing FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)?
Our phones and social media serve as a real-time refresh of our comparisons with the lives of others, constantly feeding our “fear of missing out” (FOMO). FOMO and social media go hand in hand. Even the new entry in the Oxford English Dictionary confirms the link: “FOMO—fear of missing out, anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may be happening elsewhere, often aroused by posts seen on a social media website.”

Kindle Books

The God I Love: A Lifetime of Walking with Jesus by Joni Eareckson Tada $0.99.

Home: How Heaven & the New Earth Satisfy Our Deepest Longings by Elyse Fitzpatrick $1.99.

Answering Jihad: A Better Way Forward by Nabeel Qureshi $2.99.

New Book

Learning to Love the Psalms by Robert Godfrey. See video discussion below.


Learning to Love the Psalms
Nathan Bingham interviews Dr. Bob Godfrey about his new book Learning to Love the Psalms.


I’ll be in Arizona for the weekend delivering the Lloyd Jackson Memorial Lectures.

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