
Women Use Porn Too
“We must stop assuming pornography is a men’s problem, because it’s not. It’s a human problem.”

Q&A: How Do We Ask for Help When Living with Mental Illness?
Amy Simpson answers the following question:

Our daughter has a mental illness, and our whole family has had to make adjustments to help her. There are times when she does really well, especially when she does what her doctor recommends: gets enough rest, eats well, and works with her therapist. But sometimes things are really hard, and this has a big impact on all of us. We haven’t told many people about our daughter’s illness, but it would be nice if we could have some help and support from our church and from other people we know. But how do we help our church and community understand what we need? We aren’t sure ourselves!

Set the Soundtrack of Your Mind
Leave your mind on autopilot, and distractions will dictate your life. Set your mind above, and God will.

5 Principles for Disciplining Your Children
“Through my years of working with kids, five guiding principles helped me as a counselor, teacher, and especially as a mom. While not all methods work for all children, I’ve found these principles work for a variety of children, regardless of their age, sex, or disposition.”

Denzel: Your Phone Is Changing You
“Study after study has shown that too much time on our phones has profound effects on our physical health, including (but not limited to) inactivity and obesity, stress and anxiety, sleeplessness and restlessness, bad posture and sore necks, eye strain and headaches, hypertension and stress-induced shallow breathing patterns. The physical consequences of our unwise smartphone habits often go unnoticed, because in the matrix of the digital world, we simply lose a sense of our bodies, our posture, our breathing, and our heart rates. Our overwhelming focus on projected images causes negligence with regard to our bodies.”

U Can’t Talk to Ur Professor Like This
“Sociologists who surveyed undergraduate syllabuses from 2004 and 2010 found that in 2004, 14 percent addressed issues related to classroom etiquette; six years later, that number had more than doubled, to 33 percent. This phenomenon crosses socio-economic lines. My colleagues at Stanford gripe as much as the ones who teach at state schools, and students from more privileged backgrounds are often the worst offenders.”

A Story of Slavery in Modern America
“She lived with us for 56 years. She raised me and my siblings without pay. I was 11, a typical American kid, before I realized who she was.”

How God Uses Questions in the Bible
“God uses questions to force us to confront our own hearts. He questions us not because He needs to know or understand something about what’s going on, but because He wants us to know and understand the truth of what’s going on. Through questions, God forces us to turn our gaze on ourselves, our hearts, and our motivations. He makes us look deeply into ourselves, knowing that He already knows, and then own up to that which we have either been unable or unwilling to see previously.”

Beauty sleep is a real thing
A couple of bad nights is enough to make a person look “significantly” more ugly, sleep experiments suggest.

Kindle Books

Glorifying God in Your Body by Al Martin $5.99. See my foreword here.

The Soul of Shame: Retelling the Stories We Believe About Ourselves by Curt Thompson $5.99.

Reading the Sermon on the Mount with John Stott $3.99.

Also, Ligonier’s Reformation Study Bible, which is available in NKJV, is available for 50% of this week.


Why the Book of Psalms is Like no Other Biblical Book