
How This Millennial Learned That Any Job Is Better Than No Job
“Many young people are told over and over again to ‘Follow your dreams.’ But that’s often a one-way ticket to poverty, wasted time, and entitlement.”

Faithfulness at the Photocopier: How Little Acts Develop Big Character
“The battle for character at work starts in the little thoughts you think and the little actions you take.

5 Reasons Studying the Original Languages Is Worth the Pain
“You can use Greek and Hebrew without having to memorize a single paradigm, let alone 3,000 vocab words, so why torture yourself? I’ll give you ten reasons studying the original languages is worth the pain, five this week and five next.”

11 Tips for New Ministry Bloggers
If you’re interested in getting into blogging, here’s some good start-up advice.

Why Study the Books of 1–2 Timothy and Titus?
“Paul’s letters to Timothy and Titus celebrate the glorious gospel message that Jesus saves sinners, stress the need for godly living as the fruit of gospel grace, and call us to preserve and pass on the good deposit of the gospel through deliberate discipleship.”

The Shock of Eternity
“Because of what is at stake, this ought to be a doctrine which God’s people do not hide. To stutter or shuffle our feet on the truth of hell is to do humanity a great injustice. Love necessitates speaking plainly about the truths of eternity; why and how one would enter heaven or hell and what the two forevers will be like.”

Marriage Lessons from the Luthers
“Katharina and Martin Luther lived 500 years ago, but they can teach us much about how to live well in our own modern-day marriages.”

New Book

God Is: A Devotional Guide to the Attributes of God by Mark Jones

This book aims to help us study and understand the attributes of God so that we delight in and love him with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind. Each chapter explains one attribute, shows how it is most clearly manifested in Christ, and provides practical application for the Christian life.

Kindle Books

For your non-Kindle book buying needs please consider using Reformation Heritage Books in the USA and Reformed Book Services in Canada. Good value prices and shipping.

3 2 1: The Story of God, the World and You by Glen Scrivener $4.99.

What do you think of me? Why do I care? by Ed Welch $1.59.