Here are some articles by Joni and others reflecting on the 50th anniversary of her diving accident. If ever there was an example of God working all things together for good, this is it.

After 50 Years in a Wheelchair, I Still Walk With Jesus | Christianity Today

In Awe of Her God | Desiring God

Reflections on the 50th Anniversary of My Diving Accident

Moms Need To Stop Degrading Our Job As Brainless, Because It’s Not
“I have a college degree and worked for nearly a decade before I became a mother. The energy and ambition that I used to put into my career, I now put into my family. I’m still constantly drawing on my education and professional skills, but for a much more meaningful purpose. Most of the projects I worked on in my previous career are now obsolete. I believe my husband and children have eternal souls.”

When Husbands Die Young
“I was 30, and my husband had died. Sometimes I awoke to the sound of my own voice screaming his name, drenched in a cold sweat. Other nights were sleepless, the pain visceral. I lived in a fog, and then reality began to settle. He wasn’t coming back. Only 0.6 percent of American women are widowed when younger than 35. I’m a major anomaly, and people haven’t always known what to do with me. But the church can help. Here are six practical ways.”

10 Differences between Cockiness and Confidence
“You have heard it said that there is a thin line between confidence and cockiness, but the truth is they are miles apart. A cocky leader is not a leader with simply too much confidence; confidence and cockiness are very different traits all together. Here are ten differences between cockiness and confidence.”

What I’ve Learned From Being Fired
“I have been fired from three different jobs or gigs in my career and I learned from each one of them. Don’t get me wrong. Each of these was a painful experience. But these experiences also taught me important lessons that I probably could not have learned any other way. They were invaluable for my future success. Here are those lessons:”

What I Believe About Ministry
“Here’s a list of what I stand for. It’s still a work in progress. I expect to add to it and improve it over the years. But I don’t expect that many of the convictions I articulate here will change. I wish I’d held to them 25 years ago. My service to those I’ve pastored would have been richer for it.”

Kindle Books

Note to Self: The Discipline of Preaching to Yourself by Joe Thorn $2.99.

Walking from East to West: God in the Shadows by Ravi Zacharias $2.99. Part auto-biography.

Crazy Busy: A (Mercifully) Short Book about a (Really) Big Problem by Kevin DeYoung $2.99.