
Four Plumblines to Parent with Grace
“What does it mean to be a gospel-centered parent? As a youth minister who is also a parent, I certainly don’t have all the answers, but I may have a bit of insight. At our church, we often talk about four plumb lines – little phrases that, we believe, capture the heart of grace-centered parenting. 1) “Parents are neither saviors nor sanctifiers” 2) “Parents are pastors” 3) “You parent best when you repent most” 4) “Parent your kids to be sent, not to stay”"

Give Me Jesus Over Westminster Abbey
I loved Trevin Wax’s account of his visit to Westminster Abbey, especially his conclusion:

“If forced to choose between the power of Westminster’s ambience or the power of a simple preacher who shows me Christ, I say: Give me Jesus every time.”

Are You Chasing Happiness or Holiness? | Desiring God
Tony Reinke argues that “by distancing holiness from happiness we create a false dichotomy.”

We Cannot Help Women Reject Abortion By Screaming At Them
his from someone who left Planned Parenthood to become a pro-life campaigner:

“I do not believe we will ever win hearts through intimidation or illegal tactics. We won’t be able to help women if we scare them. It’s illogical to think that a woman already in a vulnerable position would willingly walk up to a man who is holding a graphic image, engaging in civil disobedience, and calling her a murderer just to, you know, have a conversation with him.”

The 4 Key Tools to a Successful Time Management System
Very simple but would transform the lives of so many young people:

“Here are the 4 Key Tools to a Successful Time Management System:

To-do List – A place to capture your tasks and get them out of your head so that you can concentrate on what you are doing.

Calendar – A tracker for all of your appointments and obligations to manage your day’s timeline.

Address Book – A collection of the contact information of all of the people who you need to connect with whether regularly or infrequently.

Notebook – Documentation of ideas and notes from your day’s activities and meetings. “

I Don’t Understand Christians Watching Game of Thrones
Also, see the Piper questions that Kevin points to:

“This will not be a long post. Because the issue doesn’t seem all that complicated. I don’t understand Christians watching Game of Thrones.”

Brothers, We Are Not Amateurs | For The Church
“Never before in the history of the church has theological education been so accessible, and never before has it been so needed. Advanced technology, innovative delivery systems, and proliferating resources all make being a ministerial amateur—as a permanent state—inexcusable. Why pursue ministry preparation? ”

10 Issues To Work Through Before You Get Married – Tim Challies
“Some people get married too soon. After love at first sight and a whirlwind romance, they quickly plan a wedding, exchange rings, and settle into a marriage that soon turns sour. So much pain can be avoided by working through issues before that wedding day. While courtship and engagement is, of course, the time to plan a wedding, it is also the time to plan a marriage. Here, drawn from the work of Jim Newheiser, is a list of issues to work through before you get married.”

Kindle Books

If you want to stock up on J I Packer books, today is the day.

Taking God Seriously: Vital Things We Need to Know by J I Packer $2.99.

A Grief Sanctified: Through Sorrow to Eternal Hope by J I Packer $2.99.

Finishing Our Course with Joy: Guidance from God for Engaging with Our Aging by J I Packer $2.99.

You’ll find some other discounted Packer books here.