
What Depression Taught Me About Biblical Womanhood
PPD is often more complex than this, but this could help many women take some small steps out of the darkness.

Don’t smile it away. Don’t fake it till you make it. Stare right into the face of the darkness and trust that Christ is sufficient to conquer every little thing that you find inside of it — because he is.

Sleep Deprivation Can Make It Harder to Stay Calm at Work
Who knew?

Sleep deprived leaders were unaware that their sleep deprivation was harming their working relationship with their employees. Much like a person who has had a little too much to drink and does not realize they will be impaired when driving, sleep deprived leaders are essentially clueless about how their sleep deprivation leads their employees to mistrust and dislike them.

New manual guides church leaders in sexual abuse policies and prevention
The Child Safeguarding Policy Guide for Churches and Ministries is aimed at a Christian audience, though it may be useful to any group that serves youth. The book helps church leaders identify different types of abuse (sexual, physical, emotional, spiritual), learn about state laws and institute safeguards, such as background checks for employees. It guides churches on how to draft a protocol for responding to allegations of abuse and how to support victims.

When Homeschool is Hard
Some wonderful sentences in here. For example:

So the next time someone says, “I don’t know how you do it. You must have the patience of a saint,” perhaps I should say, “Actually, I don’t. But if we keep at it, that might be just what God develops in me!”

An Open Letter to Those Debilitated by Their Sexual Sin | Crossway Articles
Encouraging post for those despairing of their sin, and for those who minister to them.

10 Common but Illegitimate Reasons to Divorce
“God has provided a limited set of circumstances in which a marriage can legitimately be severed. However, many people—even Christians—offer reasons to divorce that are not sanctioned by God. Jim Newheiser helpfully outlines a number of these in his book Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage: Critical Questions and Answers. Here are 10 common but illegitimate reasons to divorce.”

Feeling Forsaken, But Not Forgotten: An Infertility Story
I challenge you to hold back the tears on this one.

The Devil’s Glasses
“How does Satan fool us with lies so that we believe that committing sin will be inconsequential? Here are five of the common ways he distorts our spiritual vision with his lies during temptation.”

New Book

The Disciple-Making Parent’s Donut Date Journal: 70 Questions to Connect You to Your Child’s Heart by Chap Bettis, author of the excellent Disciple-Making Parent.

Here’s how Chap describes this new book:

In The Donut Date Journal you will find:

  • An easy, fool-proof method for connecting with your child’s heart.
  • More than 70 questions you can use to start the conversations.
  • Pages to record their answers over the years.
  • As easy plan to create a keepsake they will value as adults.

Perfect for:

  • Parents or Grandparents who want to connect with their children.
  • Birthday and baby gifts.
  • Children or youth ministers who want to equip their church.

Kindle Books

The Scriptures Testify about Me: Jesus and the Gospel in the Old Testament by Don Carson and others $2.99.

The Gospel at Work: How Working for King Jesus Gives Purpose and Meaning to Our Jobs by Greg Gilbert and Sebastian Traeger $2.99. An excellent book on connecting the Gospel with our jobs.

The Unbelievable Gospel: Say Something Worth Believing by Jonathan Dodson $2.99.