6-tips-reading-bible-kidsWhen we look back on our childhoods, among many other happy memories, we may recall our parents reading with us. “Jack and the Beanstalk,” “Little Red Riding Hood,” “Three Little Pigs,” and multiple other children’s classics cast a warm hue upon our earliest recollections.

So why don’t we do the same with the Bible? Why don’t we read the Bible one-on-one with our children? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to give our children that best of memories? If you haven’t started such a practice, let me give you some guidance to start the ball rolling.

You can read the rest of this article at Crossway’s blog where I expand upon the following points

1. Give them a good reason to read the Bible.

2. Establish a routine.

3. Be realistic.

4. Be systematic

5. Ask good questions.

6. Ask God for help.