Is Scripture Alone the Same Thing as Scripture Only?
Couple of recent articles on the sufficiency of Scripture:
“The Reformers held to sola Scriptura, not solo Scriptura. Solo Scriptura advocates a radical individualism that rejects the church, creeds, confessions, and tradition as having any authority while embracing private judgment above all else. This view radicalizes the Protestant ethic and undermines it. Such an approach finds no credence in the teaching of the Reformers or the early church. “
And this one: The Sufficiency of the Bible Contra Rome.
Breaking the Last Socially-Acceptable Addiction
“Most American Christians have an addiction and we all know it. The addiction is social media. You don’t think you do? Here’s a simple test”
Grace for the Afflicted
“Too often, we approach mental illness from a purely spiritual point of view, interpreting all mental health problems as simply spiritual in nature. Too many churches, and their leaders, are tempted to dismiss psychiatry and neurological discoveries as purely secular, or even anti-Christian. It’s hard to make a case for that way of thinking when brilliant and committed Christian professionals like Stanford share what they know, through the lens of what we all believe.”
With Rising Teen Suicides, the Church Cannot Afford Mixed Messages on Mental Health
“According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the rate of suicide for girls aged 15–19 doubled between 2007 and 2015, and there was a smaller though significant uptick in suicide rates for boys. A Time article in late 2016 indicated that though there has been a substantial increase in teens who are depressed, the country has not seen corresponding growth in resources for mental health options.”
Autism Speaks | Biblical Counseling Coalition
“With rates of autism rising, counselors will be in a position to help parents struggling with these and other questions. This post will briefly consider issues that parents of autistic kids will likely face and give initial direction for counsel.”
Kindle Books
Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family by Paul David Tripp $4.99.
Faker: How to live for real when you’re tempted to fake it by Nick Macdonald $2.99.