
To Recover from Burnout, Regain Your Sense of Control
“It’s far better to adopt an ownership mindset, that sounds like this: Others may have contributed to my situation, but I have the ability to make choices that can improve my present and future. Thinking in this way gives you the license to choose, even in small ways, to take action to recharge and build momentum. Realizing you have autonomy opens up hope for the future.”

If You’re Feeling Too Frantic, Genuine Leisure Can Restore Your Soul
“We need to create more time for what Pieper calls meaningful “non-activity.” We need to add pockets of leisure in our family lives, so we can fall more deeply in love with our world and each other. We need to protect our Sabbaths, our nights off, and our holidays. While the demands of work and technology seek to exert their dominance over our lives, we must also make a concerted effort to abide by the divine command: be still.”

Columns from Tabletalk Magazine, December 2017
“The December issue of Tabletalk addresses the biblical-theological theme of the temple. The tabernacle and temple are prominent in old covenant worship and history. There is also extensive teaching on the temple in the Gospels, Hebrews, Revelation, and other New Testament books. A right understanding of the temple thus is key to a right understanding of the Bible. Regrettably, however, Christians often have a poor understanding of the temples’ significance and its fulfillment in Christ and His church. This issue considers various aspects of the tabernacle/temple, and what it tells us about Christ, the church, and salvation.”

The Pentateuch: 5 Books About God’s Grace
“If we take a tad closer look at the Pentateuch, we will see that it contains five books filled with God’s grace.”

Shaped by God: Thinking and Feeling in Tune with the Psalms | Desiring God
Free e-book on the Psalms by John Piper: “My aim in this book is God-centered, Christ-exalting, Psalms-saturated thinking and feeling. I believe this kind of thinking and feeling will bear fruit in the kind of living that cares for people and magnifies Christ.”

Matt Chandler on Leading a Growing Church Without Getting a Big Head
You don’t need to have a big church to learn from this.

Kindle Books

For your non-Kindle book buying needs please consider using Reformation Heritage Books in the USA and Reformed Book Services in Canada. Good value prices and shipping.

Abraham Kuyper: Modern Calvinist, Christian Democrat by James D. Bratt $2.99.


From Heaven: A 28-Day Advent Devotional by A. W. Tozer $1.59. You may need to strip out a few Arminianisms but his writing is always warm and worshipful.

The Story of Reality: How the World Began, How It Ends, and Everything Important that Happens in Between by Gregory Koukl $3.99.