I’ve been in Florida with my family the last week or so, but as I resume the usual daily blog service, let me take this opportunity to thank you for visiting this blog in the past year and also to wish you all a blessed 2018.


What Expository Preaching Is Not
Here are fifteen myths about expository preaching that should be exposed to help the preacher rightly understand and faithfully practice expository preaching.

Are You Having Trouble Focusing? These Simple Strategies Will Help
“We’ve surveyed and assessed more than 35,000 leaders from thousands of companies across more than 100 countries, and found that 73% of leaders feel distracted from their current task either “some” or “most” of the time.”

Tips to Mitigate the Effects of Performance and Sleep Decline Associated with Shift Work
This from an ex-SEAl and now MD:

Regardless of what you are hoping 2018 will bring, I promise you that everything that I have learned in my life has led me to this statement: Nothing will improve your 2018 more than making sleep one of your highest priorities. I wish you all the best.

Break the Cycle of Stress and Distraction by Using Your Emotional Intelligence
Stress is toxic for the brain both in short-term cognitive tasks and in its long-term contribution to Alzheimers and other forms of dementia.

What if cancer is a gift? | ERLC
“Four months ago I found a lump in my breast. And the Spirit clearly prompted, “This lump is a gift.”"

6 Tactics Narcissists Will Use To Silence You
“How do you avoid this type of manipulation? For starters, if you feel like someone is treating you badly, pay attention to that feeling, and to the ways someone may be orchestrating your breakdown. That’s easier if you know the tactics that manipulative people use on their friends, family, and colleagues.”

Spurgeon’s 15 Tips for a Deep and Effective Prayer Life
All prayer tips gratefully received.

Kindle Books

For your non-Kindle book buying needs please consider using Reformation Heritage Books in the USA and Reformed Book Services in Canada. Good value prices and shipping.

The Practice of Godliness by Jerry Bridges $3.99.

Wednesdays were Pretty Normal: A Boy, Cancer, And God  by Michael Kelley $0.99.

Apologetics Study Bible for Students by Sean McDowell $2.99.

New Book

Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique by J. P. Moreland and others .


2 Ways the Church Can Help Women who are Burned Out