
If Your Spouse’s Work Life Is Stressful, Design a Healthier Home Life
What’s fascinating about this Harvard Business Review article is that it’s written by the wife of one of the world’s leading happiness researchers, Harvard’s Shawn Achor. The Achor family are clearly no more exempt from stress, anxiety, and burnout than others. What’s most interesting is that their answer is a renewed focus on the family: ”By collectively focusing on strengthening a family culture, we give our brains and bodies a chance to relax and recover.”

Brief Book Reviews by Russell Pulliam
Christian newspaper journalist Russell Pulliam with some book recommendations.

Announcing Ask Ligonier: A Place for Answers
Obviously if you have a pastor, that’s your first port of call. However, this looks like a great service for people with spiritual questions, especially those outside the church or those with no reliable spiritual leader.

“For more than forty-five years, Christians have been looking to Ligonier Ministries, the teaching fellowship of R.C. Sproul, for clear and helpful answers to biblical and theological questions. Now you can ask your questions online as they arise, confident that our team will work quickly to provide clear, concise, and trustworthy answers.”

Six Ways Ministry Spouses Get Hurt
“We often lose sight of those in churches whose spouses serve on staff. These are the spouses of executive pastors, youth pastors, children’s pastors, lead pastors, and others. We have heard from these spouses through thousands of comments at We want you to see the six issues we have heard most frequently. We want you to be aware of them so you can offer ministry, encouragement, and friendship to spouses of those who serve in the church. Sometimes those are among the loneliest people in the church.”

12 Observations on the iGeneration
Eric Geiger continues his summary and analysis.

Warnings Against the “Re-Moralization” of Sex
Believe it or not, there are people worried that the #MeToo movement are in danger of “re-moralizing sex.”

“Merkin here is fighting to keep the sexual revolution alive, even as it falls apart.  She ridicules “Victorian housewives” and warns against the “remoralization of sex.”  She is like a Soviet commissar who continues to praise Communism even while its victims are tearing down the Berlin Wall.”

New Booklet

Productive Mom

How Can I Feel Productive as a Mom? by Esther Engelsma. An excellent little publication from one of Dr. Beeke’s daughter. Shona’s response:

“Replace your wearisome, multitasking, productivity driven approach to mothering with a grace-filled, Christ focused approach. Esther Engelsma does this beautifully as she reminds us that our primary aim is eternal—the glory of God and the salvation of our children.”

Kindle Books

For your non-Kindle book buying needs please consider using Reformation Heritage Books in the USA and Reformed Book Services in Canada. Good value prices and shipping.

An Infinite Journey: Growing toward Christlikeness by Dr. Andrew M. Davis $0.99.

Pocket Dictionary of the Reformed Tradition (The IVP Pocket Reference Series) by Kelly M. Kapic $4.93.

The Heavens Proclaim His Glory: A Spectacular View of Creation Through the Lens of the NASA Hubble Telescope $3.99.


Devotional Resources for Children