
Young Teens and Social Media
“Our children are growing up in a world that thrives on technology, and we must be faithful in helping them engage with it. As with many things, technology can be a useful tool and a source of enjoyment, connection, and education. It can also become an addiction, idol, or tool for malice. The more we build strong character in our children, and the more we actively teach them to steward technology, the more likely they are to handle it with skill and wisdom.”

10 Things You Should Know about Suffering
Dave Furman speaks from experience.

“I recently finished For The Glory: The Untold and Inspiring Story of Eric Liddell, Hero of Chariots of Fire, by Duncan Hamilton.[1] It has become one of my all-time favorite biographies, and I have been sharing with others insights from that book that have influenced my thinking and are beginning to shape my own life.”

Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules
I’ve been watching a lot of Jordan Peterson’s videos with a view to writing a review like this, but this is better than anything I could have done:

I want to reflect on what lessons can be learned from Peterson. Not just in the sense of ‘Why is he so popular?’ (popularity per se, as Trump has shown, is scarcely an indication of moral or intellectual virtue). But instead asking what can be learnt from both what he is saying and how he is saying it.

Loneliness Is Such An Honest Word
It’s this kind of cultural pain that Jordan Peterson is responding to. What an opportunity for the Christian community.

Eldership by Eric Alexander
These are 4 articles on Eldership by  Rev. Eric Alexander who was formerly Minister of St George’s Tron Church, Glasgow.

Kindle Books

Judge Not by Todd Friel $4.21.

The Deacon: Biblical Foundations for Today’s Ministry of Mercy by Cornelis Van Dam $4.99.

Pleasing God: Discovering the Meaning and Importance of Sanctification by R. C. Sproul $1.99