
“The Pleasure of Boredom”
“Boredom has been described as one of the major spiritual problems of our time.  The hyper-stimulation that comes from our technology and our constant-entertainment mentality actually makes us more bored, since we become jaded and weary of it all, as stimulation eventually fails to stimulate.  But there is another sense in which a carefully-cultivated boredom can be an antidote to our harried minds.”

40 Questions to Help Discern Factors Contributing to Depression
A list of questions which might be helpful to ask the person who is struggling with depression. “As you will quickly realize, the questions are applicable to a multitude of struggles beyond depression.”

Five Lessons Learned from Counseling those with Anxiety
“Fear…Anxiety…Worry.  In the cursed world in which we live as fallen image bearers, this pattern can often be a part of the human experience.  Many times, it is caused by sinful unbelief or idolatry.  At other times, it is a physiological response and at other times, it’s a mixture of both.  Having spent years walking alongside many for whom anxiety is a reality, there are many lessons I have begun to glean.  Here are five of those lessons learned from counseling those with anxiety.”

What Made Paul Washer’s “Shocking Message” So Very Shocking?
Here’s an insightful analysis of a memorable sermon.

7 Reasons You Should Speak Without Using Notes
This is a bit overstated, and might discourage some men who just can’t preach without notes, no matter how much they want to. But hopefully it will at least encourage you to try to become less dependent on notes that you do use.

New Books

15 Things Seminary Couldn’t Teach Me by 15 ex-Seminarians. My commendation:

“I’ve come to realize that no matter how much seminary teaches us, there remain some massive lessons that no number of degrees can impart. Since the first step to learning is finding out what we do not know, open this book and begin a ministry-long educational journey in fifteen of the most important subjects of your life.”

Help for the New Pastor: Practical Advice for Your First Year of Ministry by Charles Malcolm Wingard. My commendation:

“This book will prove uniquely useful to new pastors. It cuts through the fog and confusion of the early days in a new church and lasers in on what simply must be done and how to do it well.”

Kindle Books