Kids Links

If you check out the blog you’ll find resources to help you raise your children for the Lord. If you have any articles, books, resources that you think other parents would benefit from, please leave links in the comments below and I’ll add them to the blog.

Teaching Bible Study To Children | Knowable Word
Here’s a great resource with a selection of articles on how to teach children at different stages, from 2-years-old to 12-years-old. Also some posts on helping kids profit from family devotions and from their own personal devotions.

Reading the Challenging PG-13 Bible Passages to Children | PJ Media
Here’s a suggestion for how to read potentially awkward or embarrassing passages to children without censoring the Bible.

Raising Courageous Gospel Kids | Prince on Preaching
Todd Martin on how to use the biblical narratives to raise kids with spiritual courage.

“The culture we live in here in North America is becoming less friendly to Christianity, yet Christ’s promises are unshaken. If trends continue, we can only expect an increasing hostility to the Christian message as our children grow. By Christ’s own words, we can expect them to suffer in ways for following Jesus. Don’t shelter them from the cross, but encourage them to follow Jesus. By God’s grace, and through the work of the Spirit, as they learn to trust God to keep his good news promises, may our children display in the world the God-glorifying virtue of courage.”

Children in Worship | Barry York
Barry makes a Presbyterian case for keeping children in worship services. I’d like to add a paragraph just to underline what I know Barry believes – that covenant children also need to be born again.

Read Scripture in a Whole New Visual Way | Church Relevance
This is a new app that combines Bible reading and animated videos to help explain the books, stories, and themes woven throughout Scripture.

And here are a couple of family devotionals that friends have recently recommended to me.

Jesus the Hero Family Devotional by David Prince.

Why Easter? by Barbara Reaoch.

Check out


Top 10 Tools for a Free Online Education
“For lifelong learners and self-made scholars, the internet is a priceless resource. Continue your education with these top free online tools.”

Please stop telling me to take care of myself (+10 Ways to Help a SN Parent). | En Route
“If you know a family w ith special needs in the mix, here are ways you can jump up and help:”

The Thing About Old People | For The Church
“If there is one common question I receive from young or new pastors, it is this: How do I lead the senior adults in my church? I tend to say two things. First, you must genuinely love them. Secondly, you must realize that they have a great deal to offer you.”

The One Passion Every Pastor Must Have
“To pursue ministry but not having a passion for the gospel and fulfilling the Great Commission is like pursuing medicine, but not liking patients. I suppose you can manage along, but you will lack fruitfulness and joy. Most troubling of all, you will hinder God’s divine plan for reaching the world for Christ.”

Recovering an Emphasis on Prayer by R.C. Sproul | Ligonier Ministries Blog
“How can we as evangelicals recover the emphasis on prayer in worship that our Reformed forebears understood? Let me mention some ways.”

God and Politics | Counseling One Another
“In a presidential election year, it is good for us as Christians to think and rethink our relationship to governmental authority and its temporal role in the plan of God. To this end, I recommend to you Mark Dever’s little book, God and Politics: Jesus’ Vision for Society, State and Government. This 55-page easy read is based upon a sermon and, therefore, reads more like a pastoral letter than a book, which I see as a positive.”

New Book

God and Politics by Mark Dever. A well-timed booklet introducing this controversial subject.

Kindle Books

Has Christianity Failed You? by Ravi Zacharias $3.99.

Enjoy Your Prayer Life by Michael Reeves $2.99.

Jesus and the Jihadis: Confronting the Rage of ISIS: The Theology Driving the Ideology by Craig Evans.

American Heritage History of American Business $2.99. Looks like an educational and entertaining read. Here’s the blurb:

American business people have built the most creative and productive economy in world history. Here is the story of the men and women who made America – from Pilgrim traders to pioneers of the Industrial Revolution and the great innovators of the early twentieth century.


Equipped to Preach the Word: A new resource by David Jackman

I haven’t figured out how much of this material is free, but what is free is certainly worth checking out.

A Stunning Scale Model of Our Solar System Drawn in the Desert

From The Atlantic Website.

A group of friends discovered there were no proportional models of the solar system with complete planetary orbits—most portray the planets and moons as too close together. So, they decided to build one. On a dry lakebed in Nevada, the group constructed a model by drawing circles in the desert around a 1.5 meter sun and a marble-sized Earth. The result is a stunning work of land art that allows viewers to see the full circle of the Earth with their own eyes.

Then read Psalm 8.

Check Out


Can We “Agree To Disagree” On Sexuality and Marriage? | Trevin Wax, TGC
“The biggest issue confronting evangelicalism today is not over homosexuality and marriage, but whether or not these are ‘agree-to-disagree’ issues.”

Responding to a Culture Gone Mad: Singing the Lord’s Song | Prince on Preaching
“There is a lot of cultural talk these days about being on the right side of history. Let’s be clear. No matter how things appear, God is always on the right side of history because he is the author of history. ”

Returning “Home” | TGC
“This is by no means an exhaustive list of things that are helpful for returning missionaries. Each returning missionary will have his or her own particular list but as sending churches, it is important to take missionary care seriously both in the field and upon return.”

Help Me Teach the Bible: Christopher Ash on Job | Nancy Guthrie, TGC
“I sit down with Christopher Ash at his home in Cambridge, England, to get help for teaching the book of Job-perhaps the first book of the Bible written. Our conversation covers ways Job is often taught inadequately and the many ways to preach Christ through this ancient book.”

Essential Truths for Your Everyday Work | Robert Alexander, TGC
“We all want the work we do to make a difference, yet we feel the gap between the realities of daily work and our lives as Christians. We wonder: Am I doing the right thing? My work is unpaid; does that mean it’s unimportant? Why is it so stressful? Why do I get so afraid when I make a mistake at work?”

The Meaning of Manhood | Phillip Holmes, Desiring God
“Masculine leadership isn’t an opportunity to be served, but a calling to serve sacrificially.”

Why Abortion Clinics Are Going Out Of Business More Quickly | Bre Peyton, The Federalist
“Abortion clinics across the United States are closing at the quickest rate since 1973. Is this the result of tougher regulations or a shifting industry dynamic?”

A Message to the Men of My Church: Ten Things I Learned Through Triple Bypass Heart Surgery | Dean Turbeville, The Aquila Report
“In 1979 the Lord saved my spiritual heart; in 2015 God gave me a renewed physical heart. Reformed pastors are most comfortable com menting on biblical texts, but like David sometimes we are all called to exegete our own lives -we all are – as we reflect on the grace of God through a personal trial. ”

The Number One Predictor of Divorce and How to Fix It  | John Gottman
“Dr. Gottman noticed a clear pattern among couples that didn’t stay together, identifying what he says is the #1 predictor of divorce. Ready for it? It’s contempt. ”

How Can We Be Angry and Not Sin? | Jon Bloom, Desiring God
“There is a kind of anger that comes from our regenerate, Spirit-directed nature, even if it is unavoidably tainted by our indwelling sin as it passes through the defective filters of our minds and mouths. And because the Holy Spirit through David and Paul instructs us to ‘be angry,’ it means some things must make us righteously angry.”

New Book

Pentecostal Outpourings: Revival and the Reformed Tradition edited by Robert Davis Smart, Michale A. G. Haykin, and Ian Hugh Clary ($15.00)

Kindle Deals

Beating the College Debt Trap: Getting a Degree without Going Broke by Alex Chediak $1.99. Excellent book! Could save you thousand$.

Warfield on the Christian Life by Fred G. Zaspel ($3.99)

How Do You Know You’re Not Wrong?: Responding to Objections That Leave Christians Speechless by Paul Copan ($1.99)

A Better Way: Rediscovering the Drama of God-Centered Worship by Michael Horton ($1.99)


Art at Altitude: Snow Murals in the Mountains
Human ingenuity and creativity never cease to amaze me. The desire to create something beautiful seems to be baked into us.

New Books in the PRTS Library

One of the privileges of working at PRTS is the weekly arrival of new books to supplement our library of 70,000+ books. Here are the new picks this week.


Note: Inclusion in the library does not necessarily mean endorsement of contents. We often have to buy books to help students with specialist theses and also to train students to think critically. Also, a book new to the library does not necessarily mean a new book on the market.

Extraordinary Women of Christian History: What We Can Learn from Their Struggles and Triumphs by Ruth A. Tucker

“Christianity has long been criticized as a patriarchal religion. But during its two-thousand-year history, the faith has been influenced and passed down by faithful women…These women are examples to us of faith, perseverance, forgiveness, and fortitude.”

Profits in the Wilderness: Entrepreneurship and the Founding of New England Towns in the Seventeenth Century by John Frederick Martin

“Martin’s study will challenge historians to rethink not only social history but also the cultural history of early New England. Instead of taking sides in the long-standing debate between Puritan scholars and business historians, Martin identifies strains within Puritanism and the rest of the colonists’ culture that both discouraged and encouraged land commerce, both supported and undermined communalism, both hindered and hastened development of the wilderness.”

Faith of Our Fathers: God in Ancient China by Chan Kei Thong

“Due to the many similarities and belief in God as the only Creator, the author points out in detail how Chinese characters manifest historical evidences and many aspects recorded in the Bible. He claims China’s 4000 years of history as proof to support that God has never left this country.”

Critical Conversations: A Christian Parents’ Guide to Discussing Homosexuality with Teens by Tom Gilson

“This is perhaps the most complicated and contentious issue Christians face in today’s culture. Most churches are poorly equipped to handle it; parents are even less prepared. The good news is that parents need not have pat answers ready before they dive into conversations with their teens and preteens on this difficult topic. Learning together―parents struggling through these issues alongside their kids and leading them to biblical answers― has relational benefits.”

Battling the Gods: Atheism in the Ancient World by Tim Whitmarsh

“How new is atheism? Although adherents and opponents alike today present it as an invention of the European Enlightenment, when the forces of science and secularism broadly challenged those of faith, disbelief in the gods, in fact, originated in a far more remote past. In Battling the Gods, Tim Whitmarsh journeys into the ancient Mediterranean, a world almost unimaginably different from our own, to recover the stories and voices of those who first refused the divinities.”

Honest Evangelism by Rico Tice

“Short, clear, realistic and humorous, this book will challenge you to be honest in your conversations about Jesus, help you to know how to talk about him, and thrill you that God can and will use ordinary people to change eternal destinies.”

The Heart of Domestic Abuse: Gospel Solutions for Men Who Use Control and Violence in the Home by Chris Moles

“In The Heart of Domestic Abuse, Chris Moles uses his vast experience in battered intervention, and his training in biblical counseling to encourages godly men in the church to call abusive men to repentance and accountability through the power of the Holy Spirit.”

The Miracles of Jesus: How the Savior’s Mighty Acts Serve as Signs of Redemption

“By explaining the meaning and significance of all 26 miracles recorded in the Gospel of Matthew, New Testament scholar Vern Poythress shows us their relevance for our lives today.”

Engaging with Muslims: Understanding their World; Sharing Good News by John Klaassen

“This short book is designed to help both Christians and whole churches understand more about the variety of Muslims there are living in the West, and to reach out to them with the good news of the gospel.”

Heresy, Literature and Politics in Early Modern English Culture edited by David Loewenstein and John Marshall

“This interdisciplinary volume of essays brings together a team of leading early modern historians and literary scholars in order to examine the changing conceptions, character, and condemnation of ‘heresy’ in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England.”

Philosophy in Seven Sentences: A Small Introduction to a Vast Topic by Douglas Groothuis

“Douglas Groothuis unpacks seven pivotal sentences from the history of western philosophy―a few famous, all short, none trivial. Included are: ‘The unexamined life is not worth living.’ ―Socrates; ‘You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.’―Augustine; ‘I think, therefore I am.’ ―Decartes; ‘The heart has reasons, that reason knows nothing of.’ ―Pascal”

Moral Identity in Early Modern English Literature by Paul Cefalu

“Paul Cefalu’s study explores the relationship between moral character and religious conversion in the poetry and prose of Sidney, Spenser, Donne, Herbert, and Milton, as well as in early modern English Conformist and Puritan sermons, theological tracts, and philosophical treatises.”

Christian Spirituality in Africa: Biblical, Historical, and Cultural Perspectives from Kenya by Sung Kyu Park

“Christian Spirituality in Africa holistically approaches the convergence of East/West, and Christian/Traditional African religions. Its theological, historical, and anthropological perspectives contribute to a balanced understanding of Christian spirituality/transformation in an African context.”

Fire Across the Water: Transatlantic Dimensions of the 18th Century Presbyterian Revivals by Anthony L. Blair

“In the mid-18th century a series of revivals flared within the colonies of British North America… Fire Across the Water looks at the dynamics of this Presbyterian revival among several frontier communities and their parish churches, noting how they split along socioeconomic lines.”

The Other Jonathan Edwards: Selected Writings on Society, Love, and Justice Edited by Gerald McDermott and Ronald Story

“Widely regarded as perhaps America’s greatest theologian, Jonathan Edwards still suffers the stereotype of hellfire preacher obsessed with God’s wrath. In this anthology, Gerald McDermott and Ronald Story seek to correct that common view by showing that Edwards was also a compassionate, socially conscious minister of the first order.”

The American Puritan Elegy: A Literary and Cultural Study by Jeffery A. Hammond

“Jeffrey Hammond’s study of the funeral elegies of early New England reassesses a body of poems whose importance in their own time has been obscured by almost total neglect in ours. Hammond reconstructs the historical, theological and cultural contexts of these poems to demonstrate how they responded to Puritan views on a specific process of mourning.”

Prodigals and Pilgrims: The American Revolution against Patriarchal Authority 1750-1800 by Jay Fliegelman

“The author traces a constellation of intimately related ideas – about the nature of parental authority and filial rights, of moral obligation of Scripture, of the growth of the mind and the nature of historical progress – from their most important English and continental expressions in a variety of literary and theological texts, to their transmission, reception and application in Revolutionary America and in the early national period of American culture.”

Check Out


Is There a Sweet Spot? | Aimee Byrd, Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals
“I’m not an academic. I’m a housewife theologian. But what is the point of the work academics are doing? Is it just to impress one another, keeping their research and learning within the walls of the academy? Will we ever make a difference that way? Particularly when it comes to theology, I would think the endgame is to have much of this knowledge trickle down into the homes of the ordinary Christian.”

Will Following Jesus Make You Liberal? | Jim Hamilton, For His Renown
“Susie Meister has explained how studying religion made her a liberal, with the result that she left the right, stopped voting Republican, and started voting Democrat. I want to provide an accurate summary of her concerns and try to provide the kind of things I would say in response if I knew her: if I was a trusted friend, her brother, or her pastor.”

The Spiritual Disease Ravaging Our World |
“Affluenza is a spiritual disease that is ravaging the modern world. It is similar to every other disease in that we can accurately diagnose it by its telltale symptoms.”

The “Hate Speech” Card | Matthew Holst, The Christward Collective
“The cross enables us to receive the most severe criticism and correction from brothers and sisters. In the Gospel, what is often labeled ‘hate speech,’ is God’s great ‘love speech’ to us. The ‘hate speech’ defense is alive and well in the church. Let’s be mature enough to get rid of it by realizing that we have received the greatest of all criticisms at the cross.”

4 Reasons Your Leadership Suffers When You Cheat Sleep | Michael Hyatt
“Effective leadership depends on high executive functioning. Unfortunately, the part of the brain responsible for that functioning–the prefrontal cortex–can’t manage when we short our sleep. That means our organizations suffer when we decide to burn the midnight oil.”

7 General Suggestions for Handling Stress in Life and Leadership | Ron Edmondson
“The world is stressful. And, as I view the world, it is not getting any easier. There seems to be little relief in sight. If anything, life seems more stressful today than even a few years ago. It may be getting worse – not better. I’ve written about the subject previously, but it keeps coming up in discussion, so here we go again. What should we do? How do we handle the stress of daily living?”

Governor John Kasich’s completely unacceptable remarks about religious liberty | Denny Burk
“I can hardly believe that it is coming from a man who is a self-professed evangelical and who claims to understand evangelical interests. Here is where he is wrong.”

New Book

The Miracles of Jesus: How the Savior’s Mighty Acts Serve as Signs of Redemption By Vern S. Poythress ($9.99)

Kindle Deals

A Better Way: Rediscovering the Drama of God-Centered Worship by Michael Horton ($2.99)

What a Son Needs from His Mom by Cheri Fuller ($1.99)

Coach Wooden’s Greatest Secret: The Power of a Lot of Little Things Done Well by Pat Williams ($1.99)

Select Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentaries on sale for $4.99


‘The Girl In The Window’ –
A dramatic story of adoption.