Preparation for Hearing the Word of God Preached

This list came from a summary of a sermon by Pastor Al Martin.  It would make a great insert or bookmark for our Bibles.

Preparation for Hearing the Word of God Preached

1. Consciously cultivate fresh awareness that I will be confronted with the very words of the living God. (Matt. 4:4, 2 Tim 3:16, Isa. 66:2, Heb. 12:25, 1 Thes. 2:13)

2. Consciously repudiate by fresh repentance all that would hinder my joyful reception and effective assimilation of the Word of God. (1 Peter 2:1, James 1:21a, Jer. 4:3) Note: In the parable of the sower, it was the state of the soil (the heart) that determined the fate of the seed.

3. Consciously cultivate a meek and eager disposition of heart toward the Word which I will hear. (James 1:21b, Ps. 25:8-9, 1 Peter 2:2, Ps. 119:20 & 131, Acts 17:11, Prov. 27:7)

4. Consciously cultivate a disposition of dependence upon the Holy Spirit for His ministry as I anticipate the ministry of the Word. (Luke 24:45, John 14:26, Phil. 1:17, Ps. 119:18, Prov. 2:3-6, Jer. 17:5-9)

O God, believing that it is Your own living Word which I am about to hear, I repent of all that would hinder my hearing and receiving Your Word. I ask You to give me a meek and eager heart to receive Your Word and that the Holy Spirit will enable me to understand its truth.

Check out


Scarcity and Abundance | Michael P Jensen, Reformation21
Thoughts on earthly scarcity and heavenly abundance.

Five Ways to Go from Head Knowledge to Heart Application | Josh Squires, Desiring God
“How do we go from the instruction of Proverbs 3:5, ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding,’ to the personal affirmation of the writer of Psalms 56:3–4, ‘When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid’?”

Growing in Christ, Serving in Ministry: An Interview with Sinclair Ferguson |Ligonier
From the September issue of Tabletalk.

Five Suggestions for Christians in the Midst of the Sexual Revolution | Kevin DeYoung, The Gospel Coalition
Read this. Read this. Read this.

Browse Worthy: Drunk with the Blood | Barry York, Gentle Reformation
On the 10th video from the Center for Medical Progress about Planned Parenthood

Have Evangelicals Who Support Trump Lost Their Values? | Russell Moore, New York Times

Wise words from Russell Moore: “We should not demand to see the long-form certificate for Mr. Trump’s second birth. We should, though, ask about his personal character and fitness for office.”

Kindle Books

If you don’t have a Kindle reader yet, here’s a great deal from Amazon. A new color Tablet for only $49.99, that you can read Kindle books on, in addition to surfing the net, etc. This is going to end up in a few stockings in a few months.

Fire, 7″ Display, Wi-Fi, 8 GB

Fierce Convictions: The Extraordinary Life of Hannah More – Poet, Reformer, Abolitionist by Karen Swallow Prior $1.99. One of the best biographies in recent years.

The Pastor’s Kid: Finding Your Own Faith and Identity by Barnabas Piper $1.99.

Through the Psalms with Derek Prince $1.99.


Part 5 of W. Robert Godfrey’s “A Survey of Church History” Study Series Is Here | Nathan W. Bingham, Ligonier
The new installment from Ligonier Connect Courses.

Check out


The Importance of Friendship for Theology | Mark Jones, Reformation21
An argument for face-to-face theological discussion.

10 Ways to Resolve Conflict with Your Pastor | Matthew Holst, The Christward Collective
Excellent pieces of wisdom from Matthew that can be carried outside the church doors, too.

Dear Moms, You Do More Than You Know | Kevin DeYoung, The Gospel Coalition
If you have kids, send this one along to your wife today.

Study Finds Happiest Parents Have Four or More Kids | Leah Jessen, The Daily Signal
Well, count me happy.

On My Shelf: Life and Books with Randy Alcorn | Ivan Mesa, The Gospel Coalition
Randy’s favorite books.

Imagine 100 Jets Crash Killing 26,000… and the Next Day it Happens Again | Paul Wilkinson
Paul previews World Vision President Richard Sterns’ book The Hole in Our Gospel.

To A Woman Considering Abortion | Jackie Hill Perry, Desiring God
“I know how it feels to be caught off guard by Providence and desperately want your will to be done instead of God’s. Yet there is still a choice to be made. Either let your actions be governed by lies or believe the truth.”

Kindle Deals

Good News to the Poor: Social Involvement and the Gospel by Tim Chester ($2.99)

Undone: A Story of Making Peace With an Unexpected Life by Michele Cushatt ($2.99)

Anger: Escaping the Maze (Resources for Changing Lives) by David Powlison ($2.99)

Beethoven: Anguish and Triumph by Jan Swafford ($2.99)

New Audio Book

Here’s the audio book version of Christians Get Depressed Too that I recorded a few weeks ago ($9.98 or $4.98 with membership).


Chalk Art Time Lapse: Post Tenebras Lux

Get the Most Out Of Seminary: 150+ Articles

I’ve published something like this before, but with new Seminarians now bedding down and veteran students struggling to get out of bed, this is a good time to remind you of the pros and cons of seminaries, and how to profit from them.

You can browse my catalog of other online resources here. Scroll down that page to find resources like Top 500+ Online Resources on Preaching.

Let’s start the seminary articles with a number of series from TGC, Desiring God, Servants of Grace, Everyday Theology, etc, then we’ll move on to individual articles.


Dear Seminarian

8 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before Seminary

Studying Doesn’t End with Classes

I Wouldn’t Trade Seminary for Anything

Seminary Tips From The 18th Century




How To Keep The Seminary Christian (Part 1Part 2Part 3)


  1. Take the hardest classes.
  2. Learn the Languages.
  3. Take some professors who will teach you the art of exegesis, and others who will teach you the science.
  4. Be in ministry/don’t be in ministry.
  5. Take teachers, not classes.
  6. Concerning grades.
  7. Stay away from distance learning.
  8. Take teachers who will teach you a method.
  9. Go for depth and breadth.
  10. Seek out a mentor. 
  11. In sum: Love God and do as you please.


How to Stay Christian in Seminary (Crossway, 2014).


My Best Advice for Young Theologians | The New England School of Theology

Books to Read Before You Start Seminary/Divinity College

10 Things I Wish I’d Been Told in Seminary | Life and Theol ogy

“He Desires a Noble Task” The Erosion of the Evangelical Pastorate

Age-Old Question: Am I Too Old for Seminary? | the Cripplegate

Theological Education in the Local Church | Church at Brook Hills | Tim Brister

Read More

Check out


The Shadrach Option | Joe Rigney, Desiring God
Do you consider America as The Promised Land or Babylon?

6 Reasons Catechisms Make Truth Stick | Zach Barnhart, The Aquila Report

5 Ways to Ruin a Perfectly Good Dating Relationship | Tim Challies

The Rest of the Story | Clare De Graaf
Clare outlines what happens after the divorce.

A Calvinist Evangelist? | Keith Mathison, Ligonier
Is it an oxymoron?

What John Newton Taught Me | Tony Reinke

Diplomacy or D-Day? | Gregory Koukl, Ligonier
“Always [be] prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15). Koukl gives advice on how to live out this favorite verse of apologists.

Ben Carson’s Humility Upstages Donald Trump | D. C. McAllister, The Federalist
And it’s absolutely refreshing.

Office Depot’s ‘Apology’ To Pro-Lifers Could Use Some Major Work | Mollie Hemingway, The Federalist

How Many Gay Marriages? | Bryan Ballas, The Aquila Report
It’s legal now, but how much is it actually happening?

Kindle Books

Depression: Looking Up from the Stubborn Darkness by Ed Welch $1.99.

New Book 

The New Pastor’s Handbook: Help and Encouragement for the First Years of Ministry by Jason Helopoulos ($14.99)


Testimony of Melissa Ohden, abortion survivor

Task and Project Management for Churches

Maybe I’m missing something but I’ve been unable to find a piece of software or an App that can help medium-sized churches organize their communications about congregational needs and project management.

I’ve looked at a number of possibilities (e.g. Asana, Trello, Basecamp, etc.), and, with my elders and deacons, we have tried a couple too. But we can’t seem to find anything that works for an average church like ours.

There are some incredibly expensive options that seem more suited to megachurches with mega-staffs; there are many incredibly complicated solutions that make it almost impossible to learn and sustain; and there are some horrendously expensive options too. But there’s a real lack of something basic, simple, and reasonably priced, which is easy to learn and can do just one thing really well.

Here’s what I’m looking for: an App for both iPhone and Android, that will enable pastors, elders, and deacons to keep up-to-date with congregational needs and basic project management.

Here’s what I mean. When a pastor, elder, deacon, church secretary, etc. gets information about a member with a pastoral need (e.g. a visit or a counseling problem), or they decide that a task or project needs to be done, they should be able to open this App and do the following:

1. Enter the member’s name (e.g. John Smith, Lisa Brown) or the task (e.g. write report, paint door, fix microphones, clean windows, etc.).

2. Briefly describe the need (visit, phone call, counseling, financial, repair, purchase cleaning materials).

3. Assign the need or task to designated person or people (pastor, elder, deacon, custodian, Woman’s Group, Youth Group, etc).

4. Send out the information to everyone who should know (together with a note of who is to perform the task). Depending on the need, the recipients list could be:

  • The elders.
  • The deacons.
  • One of more women who have been chosen to help the elders and deacons.
  • Youth Group leaders.
  • Woman’s Group leaders.
  • Church secretary
  • Custodian/Caretaker
  • All of the above.

5. When the designated person has completed the task, he/she enters a brief report and that information is sent out to everyone who got the information in #4.

6. A central record of each assigned task is maintained on the App and on a website, so that all who should know can know at any one time what has been done and what remains to be done.

If there’s something like this out there that I don’t know about, please let me know. It doesn’t have to be “Christian” or for churches. It’s really just a basic group task manager I’m looking for, but it has to have the following characteristics and capacities:

It must be simple (can’t emphasize this enough): This is to encourage speedy adoption and use (just enter name, task, or project, and brief description).

It must have input via a website and an App: All users must be able to enter and receive information even when away from their desks and computers.

It must allow group recipients: Users shouldn’t have to input all the elders or deacons names, but simply choose which group(s) to send the information to.

It must allow assignment of the task: When the information is sent out, a person is either designated or else recipients are asked to volunteer and assign the task to themselves. (If sub-tasks in a project could be incorporated that would be a bonus).

It must provide for “task done” notification: When assigned person has completed task, they record that and everyone is informed.

It must be centralized: Central website where tasks can be tracked and weekly and regular reports can be produced.

It must be secure: Although users would be trained to be discrete in entering information, there has to be good protections against hacking.

It must be reasonably priced: If someone can design something like this, I think they would sell a lot of Apps to churches with limited budgets. It would be financially profitable to the developer and spiritually profitable for the churches of Christ.

Ideally (not a necessity), it would enable editing of documents: If a group of people are working on a report or a proposal, it would be so helpful to have one place the file can be accessed and edited with the changes made by each person being noted.

So, have I missed this ideal App? Or is there a developer out there who wants to put their talents to good use?