Gay Marriage Is Not About Gay Marriage

Gay marriage is not primarily about gay marriage; it’s mainly about silencing gay consciences.

Given that so few homosexuals and lesbians actually marry when given legal opportunity, their vigorous and often vicious campaign for gay marriage has always puzzled me. After reading Brendan O’Neill’s The Trouble With Gay Marriage, I’m puzzled no more. Although O’Neill doesn’t approach this from a Christian perspective, his post-referendum article on the Republic of Ireland’s move to legalize gay marriage shines a bright light on the ultimate aim of most gay marriage campaigners – and it’s not gay marriage.

Validation and Recognition
O’Neill begins by noticing how little talk or commentary there actually was about gay marriage in the aftermath of the “Yes” vote. As he puts it, “Instead of saying ‘We can finally get married’, the most common response to the referendum result from both the leaders of the Yes campaign and their considerable army of supporters in the media and political classes has been: ‘Gays have finally been validated.’ All the talk was of ‘recognition’, not marriage.”

He then piles up quotation upon quotation to prove his point. For example:

  • Ireland’s deputy PM Joan Burton said the Yes vote was about ‘acceptance in your own country’.
  • Writing in the Irish Examiner, a psychotherapist said ‘the referendum was about more than marriage equality… it was about validation and full acceptance [of gay people]’.
  • PM Enda Kenny also said the referendum was about more than marriage — it was a question of gay people’s ‘fragile and deeply personal hopes [being] realised’.
  • In the words of novelist Joseph O’Connor, the Yes vote was an act of ‘societal empathy’ with a section of the population.
  • The official Yes campaign went so far as to describe the Yes victory as a boost for the health and wellbeing of all Irish citizens, especially gay ones.
  • A writer for the Irish Times described his gay friends’ pre-referendum ‘nagging shadow’, a ‘feeling that [they are] less somehow’, and he claimed the Yes victory finally confirmed for them that they now enjoy society’s ‘support, kindness and respect’. 
  • Fintan O’Toole said the Yes victory was about making gays feel ‘fully acknowledged’.
  • ‘My country has acknowledged that we exist’, said a gay Irish businessman.

Feel Good Vote
O’Neill says that “in short, the Yes result made people feel good,” and that what was sought was “not really the right to marry but rather social and cultural validation of one’s lifestyle — ‘societal empathy’ — particularly from the state.” He highlights older literature on gay marriage which also demonstrated that “early agitators for gay marriage seemed to be primarily concerned with ‘relieving adult anxiety.’”  

Why is this state-sanctioned validation, empathy, acceptance, acknowledgment and approval so important to gay marriage campaigners? Why is it far more important than actually being allowed to marry?

Desperate Measures
The answer lies in Romans 1:18-32, where the Apostle Paul explains what desperate measures that homosexuals (and other unrepentant sinners) take to silence the voice of their conscience. They hear God’s prohibition and condemnation in their consciences, hate it, and do everything they can to shut it up – including, in our own day, getting gay marriage legalized everywhere, even if relatively few ever make use of it. Because, in most cases, it’s not about the right to marry; it’s mainly a vain attempt to muffle the inner voice of conscience by multiplying and amplifying external voices of approval.

If I’m wrong, then why don’t they leave alone the alleged minority who still disapprove of gay marriage. Why will they not tolerate any dissenters? Gay activists have got the media on their side, they’ve got the entertainment industry on their side, they’ve got the education establishment on their side, they’ve got corporate America on their side, they’ve got most politicians on their side, and most courts and judges too. Is that not enough? If they are so sure of the rightness of their cause, why can’t they tolerate even a few voices here and there that still insist, “This is wrong”?

Unprecedented Protection
There’s hardly any group in the world that has the level of public acceptance, validation, approval, and empathy now enjoyed by homosexuals. They’ve certainly got far more recognition, protection, and promotion than evangelical Christians anywhere. So why can’t they leave such Christians alone? What more do they want or need?

Only Romans 1:18-32 can explain this. In effect it says that even if gay marriage is legalized everywhere, and even if every dissenting voice is extinguished, gay consciences will still scream “Wrong!” and “Guilty!” Deep inside they will still know “the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death” (Rom. 1:32). That’s the “nagging shadow” that forever stalks gay consciousness.

Peace Through the Cross
The Christian message to the gay community is to give up this futile attempt to secure peace of conscience through the courts, the media, and millions of crosses on ballot papers. Far better to bring such pained consciences to the cross of Christ for full healing and permanent silencing by God Himself, through faith and repentance. That will do a far better job of removing anxiety, shadows, and fears than any amount of referenda or baker and florist bankruptcies. It will also open the way to experience the immeasurable length, depth, and height of the love of God.

And for Christians who are suffering or who will yet suffer the consequences of societal or state disapproval over this issue, take confidence from the power of a good conscience. We are mocked, disapproved, belittled, sidelined, caricatured, and rejected more than any other group in society. We are called bigots, homophobes, and haters. But having a good conscience through which God speaks His approval and acceptance of us means we can continue to stand for what is right and true no matter how many voices of intolerance and hate yell at us.

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Check out


How much should a preacher rely on the thoughts of others when preparing a sermon? | Practical Shepherding

Help Me Teach the Bible: Mark Futato on Psalms | The Gospel Coalition

On the Call to Public Witness on Marriage | The Gospel Coalition

Preaching on the Churches of Acts | BibleX

The Bible and Same-Sex Relationships: Tim Keller’s Review Article of Books by Matthew Vines and Ken Wilson | TGC

Should We Equate Homosexual and Heterosexual Sin? | Reformation21 Blog
The Shorter Catechism asks: Are all transgressions of the law equally heinous? And answers: Some sins in themselves, and by reason of several aggravations, are more heinous in the sight of God than others.

The 24 Hour Shutdown Experiment
Why is a community of Seventh Day Adventists living 70 miles east of Los Angeles living up to 10 years longer than most Americans? Although some follow a special diet and they all try to exercise regularly, their longevity is being traced primarily to their honoring of the Sabbath as a day or rest and worship. BBC journalist, Peter Bowes, reports:

Many Adventists told me that shutting down from sundown on Friday, for 24 hours, was the highlight of their week. It is a time when they close their minds to work to focus instead on their friends and family. Scientists believe that this period of rest may play a role, alongside diet and exercise, in promoting a long life.

In this article, Bowes reports on the outcome of his own trial “Sabbath.” See also The Sabbath Manifesto for a list of 10 principles aimed at carving out a weekly day of rest.

Kindle Books

Brothers, We Are Not Professionals: A Plea to Pastors for Radical Ministry by John Piper $2.99.

Simply Homeschool: 2nd Edition: Have Less Fluff and Bear More Fruit by Karen DeBeus $2.99.

C.S. Lewis: A Life Inspired by Christopher Gordon $0.99


Recommended New Book

Hammer of the Huguenots (Heroes & History) by Douglas Bond $11.99.

Check out


Smartphones, Tablets, and Christian Parenting | Moore to the Point

BibleX | The Seminary Bookstore

The Doxological Nature of Calvinism by Sinclair Ferguson | Ligonier Ministries Blog

10 Steps for Interracial Relationships that Advance the Gospel | The Gospel Coalition

Credo Magazine | The Pastor and Counseling: An interview with Jeremy Pierre

Student Turns Down Every Ivy League School for U of Alabama | Alex Chediak

Does the Son Eternally Submit to the Authority of the Father? | A Daughter of the Reformation
Looks like this is going to be an important issue.

Kindle Books

The 40 Most Influential Christians . . . Who Shaped What We Believe Today by Daryl Aaron $1.99

Text-Driven Preaching: God’s Word at the Heart of Every Sermon edited by David Allen $2.99.

Shaping a Christian Worldview: The Foundation of Christian Higher Education by David Dockery $2.99.


A promotional video for an October conference in Kentucky on the doctrines of grace. More details here.

A New (And Big) Book On The Christian Ministry

paperbackfront_753x930 (3)

The Christian Ministry: 250 Articles On Pastoring, Preaching, Counseling, and Leading ($2.99).

After 20 years of pastoral ministry, 12 years of training pastors in seminaries, and many years of blogging, writing, and speaking about pastoral ministry, I thought I might have enough material to put together an eBook on The Christian Ministry. What surprised me when I got down to it was just how much material I had for the book. After some ruthless pruning, I eventually got it down to about 250 articles, 700 plus pages, and 170,000 words divided into four categories: pastoring, preaching, counseling, and leading.

  • PASTORING: Shepherding, celebrity pastors, pastoral visitation, rookie pastors, pastoral joys (and miseries), call to the ministry, leaving a church, evangelism, social media, church discipline, hate mail, caring for the body, etc.
  • PREACHING: Sermon preparation, teaching tips, balanced preaching, evangelistic preaching, preaching without notes, and numerous articles on preaching Christ from the Old Testament.
  • COUNSELING: Counseling training, the sufficiency of Scripture, hospital visitation, pornography, mental health, depression, stress, suicide, etc.
  • LEADING: Church meetings, hiring, administration, workaholism, leadership types, control-freaks, etc.

You can also read much more on pastoral leadership in The Happy Leader, one of the books included in A Bundle of Joy: Six Books on Christian Happiness.

BIG THANK YOUS to Faculty assistant, Esther Engelsma, and my personal assistant, Sarah Perez, for all their hours of help with this project.

The Christian Ministry $2.99

Check out


In Irish Catholicism, it seems, God can be outvoted | The Spectator
Another atheist, this time a gay one, supplies the church with some good arguments to use in the face of the homosexual marriage tsunami.

Win the World with Hope | Desiring God
Good to see the existential argument for Christian faith being given more airplay in various places.

Eleven Things Pastors Need to Know Their Spouses Are Thinking | Thom Rainer
Thom Rainer could make a lot of men pay a lot of money if he really can read women’s minds.

Columns from Tabletalk Magazine, June 2015 | Ligonier Ministries Blog
Monthly freebies from Tabletalk to induce a very worthwhile subscription.

What Was Samson Doing with a Prostitute in Gaza? | The Gospel Coalition
Along with Jephthah, another Judge begins to get his reputation resurrected.

What Death Has To Say To Today’s Graduates | The Federalist
Probably not the commencement speech you were hoping for.

Are you ready to DO Summer? | Jon Acuff
I’m going to use this challenge to learn Spanish using DuoLingo.

How the Navy SEALs Train for Leadership Excellence | HBR
How the SEAL Sniper school went from an attrition rate of 30% to less than 5%.

Kindle Books

Introverts in the Church: Finding Our Place in an Extroverted Culture by Adam McHugh $2.99.

The Cross and Christian Ministry: An Exposition of Passages from 1 Corinthians by D A Carson $1.99.

The Ever-Loving Truth: Can Faith Thrive in a Post-Christian Culture? by Voddie Baucham $0.99.

Rediscovering Holiness: Know the Fullness of Life with God by J I Packer $2.99.

New Book Recommendation

Luther on the Christian Life: Cross and Freedom by Carl Truman.

Rarely have a subject and an author been so well-matched.

Some Responses To “Caitlyn”

In connection with the Bruce Jenner tragedy (can nobody see the irony in using Vanity Fair for this), here are some responses to help you talk to your kids and to everyone else who thinks this is the most important issue in the world right now.

Bruce Jenner Is Not Brave | The Federalist

Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner Needs Our Prayers Not Our Applause | David French

#2 In The Briefing Podcast Transcript

What The Church Should Say To Bruce Jenner | Russell Moore

Caitlyn Jenner And Love In The Future Tense | TGC

Some persuasive stats and argument in this one written by a non-Christian: Trans-gender Surgery Isn’t The Solution

Other helpful articles on the subject of transgender, written pre-Caitlyn.

Transgender: When Psychological Identity Trumps Bodily Identity | Denny Burk

Fifty-Six Shades Of Gender Insanity (this one written by a former transgender)

The Plastic Man | Gentle Reformation

Bruce Jenner, the Transgender Revolution, and Loving Our Neighbors | Denny Burk

Some Shortcomings of Modern Views on Gender Identity | Denny Burk

10 ways to love your transgender neighbor | Denny Burk

I am Ryland: The Story of a Male-identifying Little Girl Who Didn’t Transition