R. C. Sproul and The World-Changing Power of the Simplest Truth

holiness of godInnumerable millions of Christians throughout the world have been blessed by R. C. Sproul’s writing and speaking ministry. His impact on global Christianity, indeed on the globe itself, is immeasurable. Sure, there are other Christian speakers and writers who are better-known, but none of them have managed to combine such geographical reach with such theological depth as Sproul has. He has a unique ability to teach the loftiest truths in an accessible manner.

He does break modern pedagogical rules. For example, he uses complicated words, Latin terms, philosophical concepts, and theological vocabulary; and yet he always manages to quickly explain them using simple short sentences, illustrations, and personal anecdotes before the reader or hearer switches off. He doesn’t treat his audience like academics; but he doesn’t treat them like dummies either. I’ve never read an author quite like him, who operates at a lofty academic level without appearing to show-off, and yet who also comes alongside the simple without being condescending.

Where did it begin?
Whenever we see a remarkable ministry like this, we often ask, “What explains this?” Although we ultimately trace all ability and blessing to heaven, we also look for the earthly means that God used to shape, fuel, and propel a teacher like Sproul and his teaching.

Where did it all begin?

It began in the beginning.

It began with, ”In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen 1:1).

In chapter 1 of The Holiness of God, Sproul relates how this verse rocked his world, and through him rocked the world.

He was a young Christian, struggling to stay awake in a boring and irrelevant philosophy lecture, when the lecturer referred to Augustine’s doctrine of creation and quoted Genesis 1:1.

Momentous and Moving
Although he had heard this verse many times before, and believed it, the Holy Spirit now took this truth far deeper into Sproul’s mind, heart, and soul than ever before, gripping him in the very core of his being and overwhelming him with the awesome holy power of God.  If you read the description of how Sproul’s mind went into orbit as he meditated on what it meant for God to create everything out of nothing with just soundwaves, you’ll read one of the most momentous and moving passages in all of Christian literature.

It’s such a soul-stirring account of the world-changing power of the simplest truth. When Sproul, “came back down to earth” he was never the same again. These short simple words, blessed by the Spirit of God, transformed him into a zealous student of God’s Holy Word, a passionate worshipper of God’s holiness, an ardent lover of God’s holy people, a stalwart defender of God’s holy doctrine, and a daily seeker of God’s Holy Spirit.

Trust in the Word
What an encouragement to pastors, teachers, and parents everywhere to put our trust in the bare Word of God, in the simplest truths of the Bible, and look to our Holy God to grip us, our churches, our communities, our friends, and our children, in a similar life- and world-transforming way.

12 Struggles Singles Face

When we hear the word “single” we usually think of one kind of single – someone maybe 25-50 who has not married. But there are other kinds of singles: widows, single parents, divorcees, those who suffer with same-sex attraction, and even those who are in loveless marriages – perhaps the most painful singleness of all. But for all singles, there are twelve struggles that must be faced at different stages and to different degrees:

1. Submission not rebellion: Accept and approve God’s will as good, right, and wise. That is not easy when every part of you is crying out for intimacy, as Fabienne Harford explained in Sex and The Single Woman:

In some ways—in dark and frightened places—I feel forgotten and betrayed and confused because I know he [God] knows me. I know he knows my body and my heart, and I know he designed and wired this desire inside of me.

2. Trust not anxiety: Rest in God’s provision now and for the future. Again, that’s extremely difficult, as actress Anne Hathaway explained in a recent interview:

Loneliness is my least favorite thing about life. The thing that I’m most worried about is just being alone without anybody to care for or someone who will care for me.

3. Friendship not loneliness: First, cultivate friendship with Christ. Draw near to him through verses such as Jeremiah 3:14; 31:3; Haggai 2:23; Isa 62:12; Isa 43:4; 49:16; 54:5.

Fabienne Harford put it like this when speaking of her painful hunger for physical intimacy:

This pain has blessed me by forcing me to be all in with God: banking on him for my joy. Our God is a God of pleasure. He is not calling us to hunger because he wants us to be miserable. He is calling us to hunger because he wants us to experience the greatest pleasure available to man: himself.

Second, build strong friendships within your church family. Every single will tell you that the biggest help to living with singleness is friendship. Regarding those who fight against same-sex attraction, Corey Widmer issued this challenge to the church:

I’m now convinced any church that holds a traditional view of sexuality must also foster a radical practice of Christian community in which living out a biblical sexual ethic becomes possible and even attractive.

4. Opportunities not difficulties: Instead of focusing on the difficulties, use the single state to serve God and His people. It’s an opportunity to do things and go places that married people cannot do or go (1 Cor. 7:25ff).

Also, there are many lonely people you can serve and bless with understanding and sympathy. Fabienne Harford wrote of how the pain of lacking physical intimacy has become a gift that helps her serve others:

That pain has taught me how to hold my infertile friend and cry with her when Mother’s Day rolls around again. That pain has given weight to my words when I explain to a mom with three kids that Friday nights alone on your couch really aren’t as amazing as they sound.

5. Contentment not envy: Don’t be looking enviously or angrily at happily married couples. Although it looks picture-perfect as perfectly groomed children pour out of the minivans every Sunday morning, the reality is often very different. There are challenges and trials in every life situation.

6. Forgiveness not bitterness: Don’t get angry with God for His providence or with others for their insensitivity or thoughtless neglect of you.

7. Patience not rush: If your singleness is involuntary, don’t be so anxious to marry or re-marry that that you end up in a disastrous relationship. God provides escapes from temptation (1 Cor. 10:13), but the escape for you may not be marriage. As Jason Helopoulos said:

Loneliness in a godless marriage can be even more severe than the loneliness one experiences in singleness.

8. Hope not despair: God may change your state sooner than you think. So, don’t give up praying and hoping. Paul Mathies an unmarried church elder, expressed this hope:

Run after Jesus with all you are. Then, one day, you may look up and see a woman beside you running on the same path. But regardless of if that day comes, you gain Christ in the end, whether she comes or not.

Yes, God will definitely change it in the future when you will experience the closest possible marriage forever (Rev. 7:17; 19:7). Listen to these beautiful words forged in the fire of Fabienne’s singleness:

It might be that the pain of a life without physical intimacy was part of what equipped Paul to proclaim through the Spirit that to die is gain. To die is to gain a glorified body that feels and experiences the truth that all our needs are met in Jesus. To die is to gain the heavenly reality that earthly intimacy can only reflect in shadows. To die is to gain full oneness with God, fullness of joy, and pleasures forevermore.

9. Spiritual parenting not physical parenting: There are so many young men and women who would value your input into their lives as a mentor and model. You can become a spiritual mother or father without having any children of your own.

10. Spiritual identity not marital status: You are not defined by your marital status or your sexual orientation. You are defined by your spiritual identity – in Christ, a child of your heavenly Father.

11. Ask don’t assume: It’s a great mistake to assume that singleness is a punishment from God. However it may be that God is keeping you back from marriage because you have made an idol of it. Ask God to show you and deliver you, if this is the case. Also, ask friends if there’s anything really obvious to others, though not obvious to you, that may be putting others off.

12. Holiness not sin: You will often be tempted to sin mentally or even physically. Fabienne Harford wrote:

Singleness presents a series of hardships, but for me learning to live without physical intimacy has provided the biggest challenge and deepest suffering of this season.

Remember Jesus was able to live 33 single years, tempted in all points like as you are, and yet without sin. He is therefore able to sympathize, support, and strengthen you when are tempted.

He is THE SINGLE. He lived a life of perfect singleness and died a death of perfect singleness – experiencing the greatest possible sense of abandonment, desertion, and loneliness – so that we could be brought into the deepest marriage relationship of all.

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God’s Cosmic Joy Greater Than Grady’s Comet Joy

The normally staid academic, Professor Monica Grady, erupted in unconfined joy when the Philae probe landed on a comet on Wednesday. It was a moment that Professor Grady and her colleagues had waited 10 years and 4 billion miles for. It’s a wonderful few seconds of unexpected and unbridled celebration that quickly went viral. Watch it and try not to smile – it’s impossible.

But if scientists can rejoice so much over a piece of metal landing on a piece of rock, how much more should Christians celebrate every time a human soul connects with God, bridging an infinite distance through the far greater and far more mysterious technology of the God-man, Jesus Christ. Where is our jubilation? Where is our Grady-like “I-don’t-care-who-sees-me-I-can’t-help-myself” kind of joy?

Well, however much (or little) we rejoice over sinners “landing” on God, there’s no question that God and His angels rejoice far more than we do over every sinner that repents (Luke 15:7); and far more even than Professor Grady. Watch her and get a glimpse of how God rejoices over His people with singing (Zeph. 3:17).

John MacArthur on Helps and Hindrances to Joy

“It is my understanding of the character and nature of God that anchors my joy.” John MacArthur.

In a sermon on Rejoice Always (1 Thess. 5:16), John MacArthur listed eight sources of joy and then six thieves of joy. I’ve summarized them below but you can read or hear the whole sermon here.

Sources of Joy

1. The character of God. It is my understanding of the character and nature of God that anchors my joy.

2. Appreciation for the work of Jesus Christ. My favorite definition of a Christian? Somebody who worships in the Spirit of God, rejoices in Christ Jesus, and puts no confidence in the flesh (Phil. 3:3).

3. The ministry of the Holy Spirit. How can I not rejoice when I know the Spirit of God is leading me to understand the truth?

4. Spiritual blessings. Paul tells the Ephesians that God gives us everything we need out of the abundance of His riches. There’s only one reasonable response to that and that is joy, deep down joy.

5. Divine providence. Because God is a God of absolute sovereign providence, I rejoice because nothing is outside His plan.

6. Answered prayer. I rejoice that God answers prayer (John 16:24). That in itself is enough to keep the joy flowing.

7. The truth of Scripture. When the Word of Christ dwells in me richly, I end up speaking in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, making melody and rejoicing in my heart because of the truth (Col. 3:16).

8. Christian fellowship. I don’t mind being around unconverted people, but I prefer to be with believers because there is a level of joy that I don’t experience with non-believers (1 Thess. 3:9).

Thieves of Joy

MacArthur says, “If you’re not rejoicing, there are maybe some reasons.”

1. You’re not a Christian: If there’s no joy in a Christian’s life that may be good evidence that that person is not a Christian, because this is a gift from God through Christ planted in the heart. There’s a well of joy in the believer.

2. Ignorance can steal your joy. If you have an aberrant theology, no wonder you don’t have any joy. Bad theology steals joy. If you believe you can lose your salvation, that will make you unhappy.

3. False expectations will steal your joy. If you expect Jesus to make you always healthy, wealthy, and happy, these are false expectations and a deadly setup.

4. Forgetfulness will steal your joy. It’s really good to just remember and remember and remember and remember the history of God’s goodness throughout redemptive history as well as throughout your life because it helps you draw from the well of joy.

5. Self-absorption will steal your joy. If you start worrying about all the little things in life that aren’t the way we want them, that will steal your joy. Narcissistic self-centeredness and self-analysis, getting all caught up in trying to interpret every little thing in your life – that will steal it.

6. Being ruled by your feelings will steal your joy. Instead, let truth control you and your feelings.

“The joyful Christian thinks more of his Lord than his personal difficulties, more of his spiritual riches in Christ than his poverty on earth, and more of his glorious fulfillment in heaven than his present pain. Therein lies our joy.” John MacArthur.

Is World Magazine A Muck-Raker?

This New York Times headline caught my attention yesterday: A Muckraking Magazine Creates A Stir Among Evangelical Christians. I scrolled through my mental rolodex and couldn’t imagine what magazine they could possibly be writing about. I clicked through to discover that it was World Magazine they were referring to.

Yes, World Magazine! A muckraking magazine?

Stunned, I could only assume that World Magazine had suddenly fallen into Rupert Murdoch’s hands, or that the highly-respected editorial team had been ousted in a Hollywood Reporter coup, or that I had missed some World-shattering online revelations in the week since I’d last read the magazine.

When I started reading the report, the New York Times only cited three examples of alleged muckraking:

  • World broke the story about Mark Driscoll buying his way on to the New York Times bestsellers list.
  • World exposed Dinesh D’Souza’s hypocrisy of being engaged to a woman while he was still married.
  • World reported on a child abuse scandal at a New Tribes Mission school.

That’s muck-raking? Let’s pause for a moment and trace the history of this word.

Muck-raking History

The term originated with John Bunyan, who described one of the characters in Pilgrim’s Progress as “the Man with the Muck-rake,” a man that rejected salvation to focus on filth. Although at times it has also been used to describe good investigative journalism, its negative connotations have continued through the years with one dictionary defining it as “the action of searching out and publicizing scandalous information about famous people in an underhanded way.” 

Is that what World magazine is doing? Rejecting salvation to focus on filth? Is it using underhand ways to report scandalous information about famous people? The New York Times might argue that it was using the word in the more technical sense of “investigative journalism.” However, they know that most readers will hear “muck-raking magazine” and think “bad tabloid-style magazine.” 


But the article does provoke some good questions about the ethics of certain kinds of journalism. For example, is there a place for a Christian news magazine that does investigative reporting? Is that a legitimate Christian activity? When is it right or wrong for Christian journalists to report on abuses and corruption? Is it only when its outside the church, never inside the church? When does good investigative journalism become bad muck-raking? And has World Magazine fallen into the latter? Here’s how I’d approach such questions.


First, the media have vital role to play in calling powerful people and institutions to account in democratic societies. It’s sad that this is so rare in public life today; so rare that the New York Times tars it as muck-raking, so rare that courageous investigative journalists like Sharyl Attkisson are forced out and shunned even by colleagues.

Second, the Christian church and Christian institutions have a duty to set their house in order, to deal with sin and evil in just and biblical ways, and to call its own powerful personalities to account without fear or favor. When that happens there’s no need for any exposé. But what happens when this doesn’t happen?

Third, Christian journalists sometimes have a right and duty to expose and highlight when Christian churches and institutions fail to follow biblical principles and even natural justice in dealing with wrong and oppression. This should warn and motivate Christians to deal with issues more biblically and honorably in the future.

Fourth, I said “sometimes” above because it cannot be right nor a duty for Christian journalists to expose every failure, big and small, of every Christian church or institution. That would become the full-time job of thousands and thousands and would destroy the Church.

Fifth, we should be grateful to World magazine for its significant investment in expensive investigative journalism and also to courageous reporters like Warren Cole Smith who are prepared to pay the price of making powerful enemies. They are standing up for the weak, the oppressed, and the voice-less.

Muck-raking Criteria

Last, here are some suggested criteria to help separate commendable investigative journalism from condemnable muck-raking, against which I would measure World Magazine, blogs, and any other Christian media:

  • It’s muckraking if the vast majority of reports or articles are about Christian failures and evils.
  • It’s muckraking if reporters use sinful methods to obtain information.
  • It’s muckraking if there are rarely any good, positive, and edifying stories.
  • It’s muckraking if it’s focused on one person relentlessly and mercilessly.
  • It’s muckraking if there’s no public interest being served or Christian good being accomplished.
  • It’s muckraking if the evils are relatively minor and insignificant.
  • It’s muckraking if there’s delight and pride in exposing the evil.
  • It’s muckraking if the sin has been addressed properly by the proper Christian authority and it’s reported as if no appropriate action has been taken at all (point clarified in response to comment below).
  • It’s muckraking if reporters are actively seeking out these stories.
  • It’s muckraking if they report in a sensational and exaggerated manner.

Measured against these standards, World comes nowhere close to being a muck-raking magazine in the negative sense. Rather it is performing a valuable Christian service to the church and to society both in promoting what is good and in fighting against evil. I call that house-cleaning not muck-raking.