My life basically revolves around 12 boxes. That may seem a bit complex, but I’ve found it’s the best way to simplify my life.
My life basically revolves around 12 boxes. That may seem a bit complex, but I’ve found it’s the best way to simplify my life.
How to make a stand-up desk for less than $50
Does your desk glorify God? Can you glorify God in your administration? These are the questions I addressed with my Leadership class students recently when we discussed the problem of paper (or data). Some pastors seem to think that the…
Although there were meetings before the Fall, sin’s arrival has certainly multiplied them, complicated them, and often emptied them of purpose. Here are seven quick ways to lessen the effects of the Fall on your daily meetings. 1. Schedule for…
Watch the first 90 secs of this video at Fastcompany to revolutionize and simplify the notes you take at meetings. Here’s a summary of the four types of information you will get at any meeting. But I recommend that…
There they sit. Undone. Gathering dust. Accusing. Seven jobs that have been on my to-do list now for about 10 weeks: two unpredictable phone calls, one tricky email, two challenging articles, one long report, one feared meeting. They have all…