Over 250 articles from the HeadHeartHand archives on pastoral ministry and leadership
Over 250 articles from the HeadHeartHand archives on pastoral ministry and leadership
Phil Monroe summarizes Michael Mackenzie’s AACC Conference presentation on the most significant struggles in pastoral ministry
Here are links to the audio for weeks 3&4 in “The Minister & His Ministry” Course.
Prevention is better than cure, especially in the sphere of church discipline. As discipline cases can very easily consume a pastor’s time and energy, and even consume the pastor and his congregation, the prevention of church discipline should be a high pastoral priority.
OK, sorry Calum Angus, the sheep got a bit of a hard time yesterday. To make you feel better here’s one on the shepherd, and I’ve modeled it on you! 1. The shepherd is patient with his sheepThe shepherds and…
Throughout Scripture, sinners in general, and God’s people in particular, are described as sheep. And those God sends to lead them are equally frequently called shepherds. Today we will look at the character of the sheep, and tomorrow at the…