Book Recommendations
Help! I Want to Change by Jim Newheiser (more similar Lifeline books here)
Breaking the Addictive Cycle: Deadly Obsessions or Simple Pleasures by David Powlison
Divine Intervention: Hope and Help for Families of Addicts by Mark E. Shaw
The Heart of Addiction Workbook by Mark E. Shaw. And here’s the companion workbook.
Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave: Finding Hope in the Power of the Gospel by Edward T. Welch. Here’s the accompanying workbook.
‘Just One More’: When Desires Don’t Take No for an Answer by Edward T. Welch.
Article Links
What I’m Learning After Losing My Daughter to Drugs
Addiction, Lies and Relationships
10 Effects of Living with Addiction | Brad Hambrick
The Immaturity of Addiction | Barry York
9 Reasons We Struggle with Addictive Sin Patterns | Chuck Lawless
Steps to Breaking Sin Patterns | Chuck Lawless
What the Church can learn from AA 12 Steps
Good Read: Is addiction a disease of the brain? | Phil Monroe
Stopping addictive behavior: What works? | Phil Monroe
Breaking Pornography Addiction | CCEF
4 Approaches to the Use of the Label “Porn Addiction”
An analysis of Celebrate Recovery (Part 1) (Part 2)
The Gospel, Breaking Sinful Patterns, and Addiction | Ed Stetzer
Two Underused Strategies for Addiction | Ed Welch
Biblical Counseling, Addictions, and the Body of Christ | Dave Dunham