Yesterday I asked for your recommendations on popular up-to-date books and booklets for (1) helping couples who have suffered miscarriages, and (2) helping a mother who suddenly lost her young daughter.
Thank you so much to all who responded – I was really humbled by your helpfulness. I also thought it was a great example of Christians using the Internet for good – helping each other to minister to the needy. Below you’ll find the resources you found helpful arranged in three sections: miscarriage, death of a child, suffering in general. If you have any other recommendations, put them in the comments and I’ll add them to the list.
And I’ll try this “crowd-sourcing” again with other similar issues and see if we can build up a list of resources that will be of wider use.
Help my baby has died by Reggie Weems (booklet by Dayone).
Miscarriage: A death in the family by Dan Doriani (pdf)
Gone but not lost by David Wiersbe (book)
Walking through the valley of miscarriage by Sue Nicewander (audio). And here’s a CCEF article of the same name.
Caleb Ministries have a number of resources. Click on the “Loss of Baby” tab to see index. Here’s a Bible Study from them called Learning through loss.
Jacob Young wrote a series of blog posts journaling his experience with a miscarried baby.
Malachi’s short story. Henk Kleyn’s meditation on the miscarriage of a grandchild
Sermon preached by Matt Kingswood when he and his wife had a later term stillborn son.
Death of a child
On the death of a daughter by Samuel Rutherford (full letter from Rutherford to Lady Kenmure).
Trusting God through tears by Jehu Burton who lost his 12 year old daughter (book).
From grief to glory by James Bruce who lost his infant son (book)
Safe in the arms of God by John Macarthur (book). For parents who are “grieving the death of an infant, small child, or mentally disabled adult child incapable of exercising faith in the Lord Jesus.” Review by Tim Challies.
Behind a frowning providence by John J Murray (small booklet by my brother in the ministry John J Murray, who lost his young daughter)
Grieving: your path back to peace by Dr James White (book).
From grief to glory by James Bruce who lost his infant son (book). Author’s website.
Empty Arms by Keren Baker. Lots of recommendations here. Author’s website.
Beyond the valley by Dave Branon who lost his daughter in an car crash (devotional book).
Death in the home by Benjamin Palmer (book)
Angie’s goodbye letter to her daughter.
Suffering and the sovereignty of God by John Piper and Justin Taylor (editors). Free pdf and study guide here. Review by Tim Challies here.
Why do I suffer? by John Currid (book).
Trusting God even when life hurts by Jerry Bridges (book).