Financial bankruptcies are at record levels. It’s very tempting to give up paying off our debts and start again with a clean slate.
Now we hear that more and more people are declaring email bankruptcy. The basic idea is that if you are drowning in over 3000 unanswered emails, with 200+ still coming in every day, select all the emails in your Inbox, press delete, and send out an email to all contacts declaring your bankruptcy and your intention to move forward with fresh start and an empty Inbox. (Don’t tempt me!) Or you can just declare a vendetta against email. That’s Alexandra Samuel’s solution to the eleventh commandment: “Thou shalt reply to every email.”Declaring a vendetta on mandatory email, involves putting the cost of communication back on the sender.
What if we decided only to respond to the emails that actually feel important, valuable or exciting enough to warrant a response? What if we left inquiries unanswered, information unacknowledged, requests unfulfilled? What if we chose to respond only to the email we actually want to respond to? It’s possible. We can can shift the cost of making a message response-worthy back to the message sender.
Here’s a draft of the message she’s planning to send to her contacts:
Don’t you just love that! It is so, so tempting.
PS: Isn’t it amazing how willing people are to declare financial and email bankruptcy, but so few are prepared to declare spiritual bankruptcy (Matt. 5:3), and move forward by grace into the future and into eternity with a clean slate.