People want a better economy, but nobody’s willing to share in the financial hit it’ll take to get us back on track.
People want better schools, but nobody wants to rock the system, the unions, the teachers, the role of parents.
People want lower health care costs, but nobody wants to endure the changes to medicine, law and bureaucracy it’ll take to get it.
People want lower insurance, but nobody wants to adopt the changes in lifestyle and behavior that’ll drive it.
People want to be thinner, healthier and happier, but nobody wants to own actions it takes to get there.
People want lower gas prices, but nobody wants to radically shift their consumption patterns.
People want homeless brothers and sisters off the street, as long as it’s N.I.M.B.Y.
Everyone wants to own the result, nobody wants to own the process.
Read the rest here and add:
People want to go to heaven, but nobody’s (well, few are) willing to walk the narrow path of daily repentance from sin and faith in Christ alone.