Bible Study
Sentence diagrams on Logos 4
Morris Proctor breaks down the tricky yet helpful science of sentence diagramming.

How my wife helped me man-up and lead family devotions
Title says it all really.

The Enetrepreneur’s guide to good night’s sleep
Can’t think why these six tips are limited to entrepreneurs. The more I have pastored and counseled people, the more convinced I’ve become about the non-negotiable necessity of a good night’s sleep for preventing and curing spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical problems.

Preaching texts you do not understand 
On Sunday Carl Truman  preached on 1 Timothy 2:15, the verse concerning salvation through childbirth. Here he offers advice on how to avoid being skewered by a random 6-year-old after the service. And here’s a Christian woman’s difficult experience of that difficult text.

Series on Job
My pastor is preaching a marvelous series on Job. Have a listen to last Sunday morning’s sermon to whet your appetite and then go back to the beginning and enjoy the whole series.

Chris Matthews gets a bitter taste of his own medicine. Sweet!