A Summary not a Substitute: An Introduction to the Shorter Catechism
This is a bit of a Father/son venture. My 14-year-old son Angus is helping me put together a series of short videos on the Westminster Shorter Catechism. He filmed and edited this brief introduction to the structure of the Catechism. We’re hoping these films and outlines might help introduce young people to this wonderful summary of the Christian faith.
I. Introduction (1-3)
II. What we are to believe (4-38)
A. God’s Nature and Character (4-6)
B. God’s Creation and Providence (8-11)
C. God’s “Problem” (12-19)
D. God’s Salvation (20-38)
1. The Redeemer (20-28)
2. The Application of Redemption (29-31)
3. The Benefits of Redemption (32-38)
III. What we are to do (39-107)
A. God’s Law (39-84)
B. God’s Gospel (85-107)
1. Faith (86)
2. Repentance (87)
3. Means of Grace (88-107)
a. The Word of God (88-90)
b. The Sacraments (91-97)
c. Prayer (98-107)
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