Proverbs for Christian Blogging
Mike Leake provides 10 principles to consider when deciding when to “contend for the faith” on the Internet.
A Call and Agenda for Pastor Theologians
Douglas Sweeney (constructively) shakes up the relationship between Seminary Professors and local Pastors and churches.
15 Ways to Improve Clarity in Preaching
Especially want to underline #2, 3, 4, 9, 15.
Get your towel dirty
“So my challenge to you is twofold: 1. Accept that you can’t repay the mentors in your life, whoever they are. 2. Let your gratitude overflow to people who can benefit from your help. Or, phrased differently, get your towel dirty. There are a lot of dirty feet out there.”
A video game designed to treat depression worked better than counseling
Not good news for Counselors!
Make that digital elephant disappear
Seems to be quite a few elephants around these days. Nathan Bingham with some tips on how to make one of them extinct.