That awkward moment when we speak the Gospel
“I’ve done a little research and can confirm to you that there is not one documented case of someone dying, or even being severely injured, by awkwardness.”
Scorn profits the blogger, but costs the Kingdom
Timothy Dalrymple: “We may profit from writing scorn, but the kingdom pays the cost. Scorn is corrosive. It cuts us off from fellow believers who could teach us many things. And it hardens the world’s caricatures of Christians.”
Does the Psalmist believe in the afterlife?
Excellent pocket-size Old Testament theology from Denny Burk.
Reflections from a prolific blogger
Thoroughly enjoyable piece of writing from Sarah Bessey: “Blogging has changed my life, my spirituality, my opinions, my relationships, my heart, my mind, and I make no apologies for that (even if “blogging” is an excessively ugly word.) God has used this medium to profoundly change me, yes, but somehow, weirdly, he’s also managed to include a few other people in that, and now I feel like I’m part of a bigger story.”
Hack your introversion and visit someone in hospital
Eric McKiddie: “Nothing felt more wrong to me than visiting someone in the hospital that I didn’t know, and sensing the pressure to make them feel better in 15 minutes or less.”
Church History and Israel’s Future
I’m one of the decreasing numbers of non-premillennialists (I’m an optimistic amillenial) who believe that ethnic Israel still has a major future place in God’s plans. Nathan Busenitz makes me feel a bit less lonely with a great selection of quotes from others in church history.