At last week’s Youth Camp, I hosted a workshop for the guys on 10 things they should know about girls. Before I got into the topic, I distributed index cards to each guy and asked them to write on it the one thing that they wanted girls to know about guys. “This is your one chance in life to send a legitimate anonymous message to the girls about what you wish they knew about you.”
I then collected the cards and sent them up to my wife, Shona, who read them out to a similar workshop for the girls. So what did the guys want the girls to know about them? Here’s a selection from the cards:
- Guys can be nervous and shy too (x4).
- We have feelings too (x4).
- Guys work hard.
- We are not as emotional.
- Men prefer women to let them know that they have feelings for them. Many men are shy of that aspect.
- Just be straightforward and don’t be confusing.
- Don’t lead guys on when you really have no interest in them. Guys can have a hard time figuring out whether you are really interested.
- Most guys aren’t as tough as they try to look. They try to look the part but really need women.
- My sister is very strict.
- My phone number (x4).
- Most guys won’t wait around for a girl they like, if she just strings them along.
- Guys are human too, they need encouragement.
- If our friends don’t talk to us for a week, we don’t think that they hate us.
- It’s nice when you tell us how you feel instead of giving us the cold shoulder.
- Choosing one from so many wonderful young ladies is hard.
- We are programmed to lead.
- Make me a sandwich.
- We wear the pants (trousers for British readers!)
- We’re not as emotional as you might want us to be.
- Pretty is great but being able to change tires and do other practical things is great too.
- I find more modestly dressed women attractive.
- Even though I don’t appear nice, I’m more nice to people I get to know better.
- We don’t understand girl’s subtleties, like body language, your words, the way you act. Tell us straight!
- Guys tend to be very visual, therefore dress and actions can easily promote lust and sinful thoughts.
- Sometimes guys are quiet just because they are interested in you! Just because they ignore you, doesn’t mean they don’t like you.
- Guys are vulnerable. They way a girl dresses and speaks holds a lot of power on the way a guy thinks.
- Girls look just as good without all the makeup.
- To a guy who truly loves a girl, looks are just a small part of the attraction, although we do love the physical part – confusing!
- Guys aren’t all the same. Each guy thinks very different from the other.
- Most guys lust quickly. You dress a little immodestly and our minds hit the gutter (x5).
- Guys love easy-going girls. Take it easy on us and let us do our thing.
- No guys like shopping for hours!! Except for sports equipment!
- Guys don’t need to spend too much time in the mirror in the morning.
- Sometimes we don’t fell like talking That doesn’t mean we don’t love you.
- We are practical.
- We are logical (generally).
- We’re not scary to talk to.
- Men like good food.
- When you make us a sandwich, please also bring us a drink.
- Sometimes guys have a hard time starting conversation. So girls should start conversations too.
- “Great, now make me a sandwich!”
Obviously (hopefully) some of these are a bit tongue-in-cheek! Is there anything you’d add?
Tomorrow, I’ll post what the girls wanted the guys to know.
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