Love was at the bottom of all His grace; let it be at the bottom of all your duties (Thomas Manton).
— Tabletalk Magazine (@Tabletalk) July 16, 2012
Monday for pastors can be a Judges 6 kind of day, laying low with Gideon in the winepress. But “The LORD is with you, O mighty man of valor”
— jaredcwilson (@jaredcwilson) July 16, 2012
Sprint from lust; marathon for life.
— Jonathan Dodson (@Jonathan_Dodson) July 16, 2012
“I need to talk to you.” That one sentence has the power to make you remember every single bad thing you did in your whole life.
— Will (@WillyFerrell) July 16, 2012
My daughter just asked, “Isn’t imputation when you cut off someone’s arm or leg?”
— Tony Carter (@eastpc) July 16, 2012
Writing Tip: ”Never use a long word when a diminutive one will do.”
— Keith Mathison (@KeithMathison) July 16, 2012
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