Big Business and the Sacred Mystery of Sleep
What our sleeping habits reveal about our relationship with God.

Annotating Texts
Kames Smith with some illustrated suggestions for getting the most out of our books.

What will the classroom of the future look like?
While reading, remember that there was a day when a chalkboard was high tech.

14 Tips for Telling a Great Story
The son of a great story-teller passes on some tips. So many sermon illustrations would be improved by heeding this advice.

How should Protestants relate to Roman Catholics
R.C. Sproul: “I am happy to make common cause with Roman Catholics on social issues, but we have no common cause in the gospel.”

11 Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Challenges Unique to Rural Pastors

Two Personal Libraries up for grabs
“Summer’s nearly done, the school year is gearing up again, and I want to help you kick off the fall right. That’s why I’m giving away a whole heap of books (and another cool item, too) courtesy of my friends at Zondervan, New Growth Press, Crossway and more.”

  • Able Baker

    Thanks for reading and recommending my article David.