Breaking: due to first day cancellation at
#GOP2012, Baal sacrifice ceremony pushed out of prime time Tuesday.— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) August 27, 2012
When we pray we don’t need a special rug, beads, hat, direction, or posture—we can pray however, whenever, wherever.
— Burk Parsons (@BurkParsons) August 27, 2012
Spurgeon: “I don’t think any man is beyond hope who feels joy as he treads the meadows bedecked with daisies.”
— Tony Reinke (@TonyReinke) August 27, 2012
“It’d be better to have been publicly beaten a couple of times than to have all your books taken” –
@joelbeeke in Medieval Church History— Michael Dewalt (@mmdewalt) August 27, 2012
Politicians wax eloquent about many problems that beset us. But our core problem is this: God is holy and we’re not.
— Chris Larson (@ChrisLarson) August 27, 2012
It takes significant time to unsubscribe from email subscriptions that I never subscribed to.
— Steve McCoy (@stevekmccoy) August 27, 2012