Who invented coleslaw. Who said “this salad isn’t terrible enough lets increase its surface area and give it a sour milk bath.”
— Honest Toddler (@HonestToddler) September 4, 2012
Let’s humble ourselves under Christ’s sanctifying work “tll sin be the sourest, & Christ the sweetest, of all things.” via Sibbes
— Gloria Furman (@gloriafurman) September 3, 2012
Peterson: “We want a Christian faith that has stability but is not petrified; that has vision but is not hallucinatory.”
— Tony Carter (@eastpc) September 3, 2012
I am resolved to use Twitter for edification, not confrontation or belittling others.
— Kim Shay (@upwardcall) September 4, 2012
Why are we shocked if Lance Armstrong or Barry Bonds cheats at a game, when we already know they cheat on their wives?
— R.C. Sproul Jr. (@rcsprouljr) September 4, 2012
I have found that I often learn the most from those who feel like they have the most to learn.
— Burk Parsons (@BurkParsons) September 4, 2012