Positive Leadership is (1) Cheerful, (2) Climbing, and (3) Confident. It’s also (4) Clear and (5) Communicative.
Clear Leadership
The positive leader has clear principles and convictions that He will not compromise. Yes, there are secondary issues and debateable questions, but there are also non-negotiables. The positive leader does not hide these things or waffle when asked about them. People who have known him for a while know where he stands on the most important questions.
He also has clear language. He states His understanding of God’s word with as clear language as he can. He strives to use language that is as simple as possible without sacrificing accuracy. He uses short rather than long sentences; short words rather than long words; concrete rather than abstract terms; illustrations rather than philosophical terms. His motto is “Brevity + Simplicity = Clarity.”
Clear principles and clear language are impossible without a clear conscience. This was something Paul strove for constantly (Acts 24:16). Whenever I hear someone waffling or prevaricating on whether something is right or wrong, or whether something is true or false, I immediately wonder about the person’s conscience. Is there some compromise in that person’s life that’s making it difficult for them to explain their position without their conscience protesting.
The leader also communicates positive energy by having a clear vision. He doesn’t need a vision statement, but everyone can state his vision. They know what he is trying to accomplish, where he is taking people, and why.
Why not ask people to state in one sentence, “What do you think am I all about?” or “What do you think I’m trying to accomplish?”
Communicative Leadership
Weak, negative, fearful leaders hear the phrase “Knowledge is power” and think, “Yes, the more I know and the less they know, the more powerful I’ll be.” The positive leader hears “Knowledge is power” and thinks, “How can I empower people by sharing knowledge with them.”
I’m still amazed at the way some pastors and elders try to keep people from knowing what’s going on in the church. Of course there are some things that should not be shared, but the default should always be share, inform, communicate.
So much trouble results in churches when elders and pastors try to starve people of information, when there’s a “We know what’s best for you” kind of attitude.
It’s almost impossible to keep people from knowing things today. So what’s the point in trying? They only get suspicious and then feel angry and distrusted when the information does eventually get out to them. Then you are on the back foot trying to explain and defend yourself.
The positive leader gets on the front foot and defaults to communicate rather than conceal.