Lessons from the life of Eric Liddell
Lesson #2: Determination is not contrary to the Gospel of Grace.
What someone needs to say
Kevin DeYoung: “The next time—and there will be a next time—some famous Christian is pilloried in the press for maybe, possibly, at some point now or in the past holding to the traditional view of marriage, I hope he (or she) will come up to the microphone and say something like this…”
The most offensive verse in the Bible
Dan Philips pulls Pyromaniacs out of their mourning the loss of Phil with a classic post.
Minding our own reproductive business
I’ve certainly been asked the “Was it a surprise?” question innumerable times in the past few months. My best answer so far? “Not to God.”
The Christian Leader in the Digital Age
Al Mohler: “Christians – and Christian leaders in particular – should be taking advantage of blogs, social media, and every available platform for communicating our message. We should be exercising stewardship in new opportunities to learn, teach, and study online, recognizing that no generation before us had such rich opportunities.”
Ligonier National Conference Audio and Video
Without doubt, the best conference I’ve ever attended.