Why we still need (some) monocultural churches
If you’re a regular reader you’ll know that I have a passion to see Reformed churches embrace and reflect the diverse communities that surround them. But this is a thought-provoking article.  Mono- or multi-? What do you think?

Three Things I’m Glad I Did In My Singleness
With my wife in Scotland the last 10 days, I’ve been thanking God that my single days are a distant memory.

Allie Brosh on Depression
Rod Dreher with a transcript of an insightful, honest, and harrowing interview about Allie Brosh’s depression.

Why is Calvinism So Influential and Not Lutheranism?
Asked by Lutheran Gene Veith. Answered by Presbyterian D. G. Hart.

Why Women Are Integral to the Vision of 20 Schemes
Women making a difference in the hardest urban mission fields.

Servants Through Whom You Believed
Tim Brister reflects on the tension between human responsibility and divine sovereignty in ministry.

  • Marie Peterson

    My first reaction to the monocultural article was, “huh?” I don’t see the logic in it. Well, at least not logical when you consider what the Church is- the one new humanity in Christ.

    In fact, couldn’t the early Jewish Christians have used these very same arguments to advocate for a separate Gentile church? I mean, the Gentiles were “newly arrived” to the worship of Jehovah. And it sure would have been a lot easier having a church where the Gentiles could bring whatever they wanted to potluck without offending everybody else…

    Could not this dialogue happen within the same church? The article really doesn’t leave room for deference to one another in brotherly unity and love. I’m all for history and tradition, and there’s a place to share that among believers, but overarching that is the history we DO share- we are redeemed by Christ, and we are now God’s children and brothers and sisters with each other!

    • http://headhearthand.org/blog/ David Murray

      I didn’t agree with it either Marie, but it did make me think more deeply about the kind of barriers we have to overcome to reach the biblical ideal.