Why we still need (some) monocultural churches
If you’re a regular reader you’ll know that I have a passion to see Reformed churches embrace and reflect the diverse communities that surround them. But this is a thought-provoking article. Mono- or multi-? What do you think?
Three Things I’m Glad I Did In My Singleness
With my wife in Scotland the last 10 days, I’ve been thanking God that my single days are a distant memory.
Allie Brosh on Depression
Rod Dreher with a transcript of an insightful, honest, and harrowing interview about Allie Brosh’s depression.
Why is Calvinism So Influential and Not Lutheranism?
Asked by Lutheran Gene Veith. Answered by Presbyterian D. G. Hart.
Why Women Are Integral to the Vision of 20 Schemes
Women making a difference in the hardest urban mission fields.
Servants Through Whom You Believed
Tim Brister reflects on the tension between human responsibility and divine sovereignty in ministry.