A Plea to Prospective University Students
“Why is it that year after year, professing Christians students (and their parents) plan their intellectual, academic, professional or social development (or invest in the development of their offspring), and only subsequently ask whether or not their souls will receive faithful and loving care in the only environment on earth that Christ has ordained as the normal means for the lasting health of his people?”
Are you Chasing Happiness or Holiness?
I loved this article by Tony Reinke in which he uses the Puritans to argue that it’s wrong to contrast happiness with holiness.
Counseling and Worship
“Do counseling and what we have come to call one’s “style” of worship have anything to do with each other? Are there ways of worship that are more congenial to the aims of biblical counseling than others?”
The Cool Pastor: An Oxymoron or Just a Moron?
“If I can be completely honest, there was a time in my life when I craved to be considered a “cool pastor.” In the early years, as the morning dawned on my pastoral vocation, I honestly believed it was possible to walk in both worlds, that is to say, the world of cultural approval and the world of Biblical fidelity. More and more, however, I am not sure this is even desirable.”
Nothing More to Need
Tim Challies with a beautiful profile of Christian courage.
Exploring Biblical Theology
An Interview with Jim Hamilton about his new book, What is Biblical Theology?
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