Nifty Graph on Discovering Your Calling
Find where competency, passion, and demand meet. A helpful graphic for young people especially.
The Most Important Book of The Year
Todd Pruitt says it’s Kevin DeYoung’s new book on Scripture, Taking God at His Word. Also see I Love My Black Letter Bible.
When Depression Comes Back
Addie Zierman: “And this month, I am being saved again. By the pills and the poets. By Church Ladies, who send emails and slip books into my hands in the foyer before service. I am being saved by the God who does not let me go – not this time or last time or ever…no matter how deep the darkness of my heart. He is risen, and I am being raised too. No matter how dark it gets, Easter comes again. Every single time.”
A Word for the Discouraged
Good counsel from Joe Holland.
God, The Gospel, and The Gay Challenge
This is an important response to Matthew Vine’s evil attempt to make gay marriage a mainstream Christian value. You’re going to need to know this issue inside out in the coming years, so this eBook response from SBTS Faculty is a great place to start. Justin Taylor explains the background to the response.
20 Things I Learned As A College Professor
This is funny and accurate, especially #8!