Forward From Conversion: How We Can Focus on Spiritual Growth and Transformation | Ed Stetzer
The more I’ve been involved in churches, the more I’ve seen this as the number one priority for the health of the Church and its members. We cannot assume that people will grow in Christian knowledge, experience, and practice without significant input and accountability.
A Quick 9-Point Illustration Checklist | Biblical Preaching
Hopefully the result will not be less illustrations but better ones.
Spies and Lies | Mike Wittmer
Mike offers a defense of the tactics that produced the Planned Parenthood horror films. Here Joe Carter gives you 10 Numbers You Should Know About Planned Parenthood and Aaron Armstrong writes about Changing Opinions on Abortion When Legislation Isn’t an Adoption.
Theological Heroes and Villains | Tim Challies
The principle in this article would save a lot of relationships, especially of those inclined to perfectionism in their expectations of others.
The Happy Man
You might be interested to know that the first church I pastored was in Lachlan Mackenzie’s parish of Lochcarron. I used to preach from his pulpit in a small meeting house in Kishorn. On the same subject here’s Why Happy Employees Are More Productive at Work.
A Quick Guide to Common Writing Errors
Kindle Books
Homeschooling the Challenging Child: A Practical Guide $2.99.
And here are a few other Homeschooling books at good prices:
Don’t Waste Your Time Homeschooling: 72 Things I Wish I’d Known $2.99.
Homeschooling Boys – Gaining Maximum Success from Minimum Cooperation $0.99.
Simplify Your Homeschool Day: Shorten Your Day, Sweeten Your Time $3.99.
Called Home: Finding Joy in Letting God Lead Your Homeschool $0.99.
50 People Every Christian Should Know: Learning from Spiritual Giants of the Faith by Warren Wiersbe $1.99.
131 Christians Everyone Should Know by Mark Galli $2.99.
New Book
Called for Life: How Loving Our Neighbor Led Us into the Heart of the Ebola Epidemic $9.99.
The Power of Morning & Evening Routines (HT: Tim Challies)