
Faith Has Its Reasons | R. C. Sproul, Ligonier
Thoughts on the opening two words of the Apostle’s Creed: “I believe.”

Qualities of Urgency in Preaching Seen in Peter’s Pentecost Sermon

How to Recover When You Blow it Big Time | Michael Hyatt
A peek into Brené Brown’s new book, Rising Strong.

10 Commandments of Social Media for Christians | Ramon Mayo, Urban Faith
Two of my favorites: “Pause before you publish” and “If you can’t say it in person, then don’t say it.”

Buy One, Get One (Almost) Free! |Bob Kellemen, RPM Ministries
Bob has two of his resources on sale right now: Gospel-Centered Counseling and Gospel Conversations.

Why Same Sex Marriage Will Never Measure Up to the Real | Dustin Siggins and David Flynn, The Aquila Report

For the Single woman Affected by Ashley Madison | Chiree Bollinger, True Woman
A message about not allowing the root of bitterness to grow.

Ashley Madison Exposes More Than Just Names | Shaunti Feldhahn, Christianity Today
“There’s something more important here than the Ashley Madison issue itself: a vast disconnect between men and women on modern sex-related issues that affect nearly all men and boys every single day – but which many women aren’t even aware of.”

Kindle Books

Running Scared: Fear, Worry, and the God of Rest by Ed Welch $0.99.


Vermont From On High