
To Ph.D or Not to Ph.D?
Seven important questions to consider.

8 Sins You Commit Whenever You Look at Porn
“When you open your browser and begin to look at those images and videos, you are sinning in ways that go far beyond lust. Here are 8 sins you commit when you look at porn.”

What Can Church History Teach Us About Wolves?
“Several years ago I did a series on heresies and heretics. Preparing the messages helped me understand church history better and more carefully articulate the orthodox faith. It also helped me notice some patterns (and non-patterns) related to false teachers. I discovered that church history can teach us a lot about wolves.”

A High School Counselor’s Tips on Parenting Teenagers | Biblical Counseling Coalition
“I have had the privilege of spending the last 13 years working as a music teacher and crisis counselor for teens. The following six tips represent a handful of lessons I have learned along the way. If you are the parent of a teenager or pre-teen, I pray that you find this helpful.”

The Future of Ministry, according to a Seminary President | LogosTalk
As society and technology careen toward an uncertain future, what does the future hold for Christian ministry? Her’s one Seminary president’s take on it.

Kindle Books

Subversive Kingdom: Living as Agents of Gospel Transformation by Ed Stetzer $2.99

The Shape of Preaching: Theory and Practice in Sermon Design $0.99.


Luther: The Life and Legacy of the German Reformer
Click through to rent or buy this beautifully produced new documentary on Luther.