
‘Our minds can be hijacked’: the tech insiders who fear a smartphone dystopia
Google, Twitter and Facebook workers who helped make technology so addictive are disconnecting themselves from the internet. In a similar vein The Designer of the iPhone Worries That His Grandkids Will Think He’s the Guy ‘That Destroyed Society.’

Eric Schmidt: Good Sleep Enhances Your Ability to Do Almost Everything
“Studies have shown people with interrupted sleeping patterns are prone to depression, are more likely to be compulsive eaters, and complain much more than those who sleep well. Good sleep can only enhance your physical and mental ability to do almost everything. Just remember, healthy sleeping habits make an absolute difference in your overall quality of life. Most likely, you are not sleeping enough.”

Episode 5.5: A Punishing Providence
This podcast explores the most pastorally helpful section in the Westminster Confession of Faith.

Eight VCs Explain How (And Why) They Assess Founders’ Emotional Intelligence
Here are a few key questions that seven other investors like Bannister typically ask to assess entrepreneurs who pitch them for funding.”

How Singleness Prepared Me for Barrenness
“The Lord did have marriage for me eventually in my mid-30s, but after two miscarriages in the first five months of our marriage, we’ve been unable to conceive again. The lessons I learned in my singleness translate to infertility in a few ways.

Lessons from Pastoring 30 Years in Zambia
Conrad Mbewe reflects on 30 years of ministry in his congregation.

Helping Churches to Better Handle Cases of Abuse
I highly recommend this to all pastors and elders for study and discussion.

Plants & Pillars
New website for Free Reformed Youth.

Kindle Books

Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God by Tim Keller $1.99.

Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age by Sherry Turkle $1.99.

New Book

In this video, Bill Vandoodewaard, author of a new commentary on 1 & 2 Peter (buy at Heritage Books) answers the question: “What are some of the things you learned in writing a commentary on 1 & 2 Peter?”