Seven characteristics of a believer’s walk with God.
Seven characteristics of a believer’s walk with God.
“What do you do when the preaching of the Word no longer impacts you as it once did?” That’s the question I was asked by an earnest young man recently who appears to be sincerely seeking the Lord.
Mashable, the social media news blog, recently highlighted how social media companies such as Facebook, Twitter, etc, make it extremely difficult to leave their services and make a clean break. Easy to get into, but not so easy to get out of. Kind of like sin!
On Friday evening I finished an all-day cleaning blitz on the house, in anticipation of my wife’s return from two weeks in Scotland with three of our four children. At the end of it all I was sweating, panting, aching, and stinking (of bleach, polish, detergent, air freshener, etc.).
Here’s a new website on biblical spirituality being started by Brian Najapfour, a PRTS student from the Philippines. Brian graduated from PRTS with a ThM and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree in Biblical Spirituality under Dr. Michael A. G.…
Yesterday we considered why we should meditate on Scripture. Today let’s look at how to meditate. 1. Limit – Set apart no more than 5-10 minutes to begin with – Start with one short verse or part of a verse…