What are the special trials and temptations of old age? How do we minister God’s Word in these situations? And why should young people want to know this too?

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  • Scott Maciver


    Great to see the return of the Puritan Pod! Looking forward for more to come.


  • Pingback: The Gospel is for Seniors

  • Steve

    Thank you, David. Very timely. Both of my in-laws are on hospice right now. What a joy it is to continue to bring the gospel to them every day in word and in song.

  • Pete

    Thanks David

    I’m 68 and thankfully don’t experience much of these (due to great wife, good health, the Gospel, etc,) however one thing that has been most important to me is a small group of 60s and 70s men that meet weekly and share openly these 5 things for prayer together ! Highly recommended !!

  • Parthee

    Dear Mr Murray,
    It was really good massage. May the Lord bless you and use you for His Kingdom.


  • http://reformed-renegade.blogspot.com/ Russ

    Excellent! Thanks.

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  • Gary C. Swigert

    Thank you Brother Murry. Can you recomend a large print booklet for Seniors with a good Gospel message, much like you outlined in your sermon. It was good to hear a Scottish voice. In the early 70′s I ministered in Dundee and this brings back joyful memories. Looking forward to hering from you and a further contact stream.

    • http://headhearthand.org/blog/ David Murray

      Thanks Gary. I asked our bookshop and this is what they said:

      I would highly recommend A Happy Old Age by Ashton Oxenden.

      It is a larger font and “The author’s aim is to lead his readers to true happiness in the Lord Jesus Christ, and to show how to live actively and fruitfully in Christian service in the final years of one’s life.”