As I’m often asked for book recommendations on various subjects, I decided to put together an online list of my top ten books in various categories. Basically, if I was only allowed 10 books in my library on that subject, these are the ten I would choose. Previous posts include:
- Top 10 Books on Christ in the Old Testament
- Top 10 Books on Preaching
- Top 10 Books on Depression
- Top 10 Biographies of Christian Men
- Top 10 Biographies of Christian Women
- Top 10 Books on Fighting Porn
- Top 10 Books for Moms
- Top 10 Books for Graduates
- Top 10 Books on Leadership
- Top 10 Books for Dads
- Top 10 Books on Christian Leadership
- Top 10 Puritan Books on Sin
- Top 10 Modern Books on the Doctrine of Sin
- Top 10 Books on Christians And Work
- Top 10 Books for Elders
- Top 10+ Gospel Books for Children
- Top 10+ Books on Marriage
- Top 10 Books for Youth Groups
Today I’m listing the Top 10 Books on Using Technology. These are the books that I would recommend to any Christian trying to get to grips with this digital age and not be overwhelmed by the digital revolution. These books, though not all by Christian authors, include both warnings about the dangers and practical encouragements for how to use technology in a healthy and profitable way.
After this list you’ll find a poll where you can cast three votes for your favorite books in this category. Click on “View Results” to see what books are most popular.
You can also add any book not on the list by writing the title in “Other” or in the Comments I’ll add these to the end of the post under “Reader Suggestions.”
You may also want to look at Top 40 Online Resources on Using Social Media In Ministry.
1. The Next Story: Life and Faith after the Digital Explosion by Tim Challies
This book strikes a perfect balance between warning against the dangers of technology while also encouraging a positive approach to using it for personal profit and God’s glory. It also has a good balance between biblical teaching and scientific research. Well-written, well-argued, and well worth reading.
2. You, Your Family and the Internet by David Clark
This is the simplest book on the list. A good starter book for any family that is just beginning to struggle with the Internet and other new technologies. Readable and do-able.
Not by a Christian author, but it helps us to understand the science of what we are doing to our brains with our current work practices, and guides us to manage our limited mental resources in a healthier and happier way. The author follows a totally stressed-out couple as they try to cope with the digital deluge in their work settings. He analyzes their failings and then suggests alternative scenarios that would help them to work more efficiently and enjoyably. He also shows how knowing how our brains work and respond to pressure enables us to understand others better, resulting in better communication, collaboration, and long-term change.
4. Bit Literacy: Productivity in the Age of Information and E-mail Overload by Mark Hurst
On the same subject as Your Brain at Work, but a bit more basic with more emphasis on the practical. A good place to start if you want to pick up numerous tips on how to change bad the digital habits most of us have acquired into good habits that will improve our work and lives. If you want to learn how to better manage all the “bits” that swirl around your life – email, to-do lists, photos, files, etc., – begin here.
5. From the Garden to the City by John Dyer
A biblical theology of technology and how it interacts with us and our culture by a reliable Christian author. Good companion volume to The Next Story.
6. Digital Leader: 5 Simple Keys to Success and Influence by Erik Qualman
So important for anyone with any leadership role to understand the powerful influence of using digital technology well. Here’s A Digital Dictionary For Leaders and 10 Digital Commandments I gleaned from this book.
7. Ministry in the Digital Age: Strategies and Best Practices for a Post-Website World by David Bourgeois
You won’t agree with everything in here, but it’s a good place to start for some ideas on how to utilize social media and other new digital technologies for ministry purposes.
8. Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other by Sherry Turkle
Written by an MIT science professor, this book majors on the dangers and downsides of technology. Makes a compelling scientific case for much greater discernment in our choice and use of technology. Similar in approach, outlook, and tone to the best-selling book, The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains by Nicholas Carr. Alone Together focuses more on the social impact, and The Shallows more on the intellectual impact.
9. The Social Church: A Theology of Digital Communication by Justin Wise
Back to distinctly Christian books with this good combination of theology and practice. Like #7, you don’t need to embrace everything to benefit from this book, but it will make you think more deeply about social media and also do it more thoughtfully and theologically.
10. iGods: How Technology Shapes Our Spiritual and Social Lives by Craig Detweiller
Traces the history of modern technologies, takes a balanced look at their present impact, and looks into the future to predict where this is all going.
Honorable Mentions
Digital Invasion: How Technology is Shaping You and Your Relationships by Archibald D. Hart
Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology by Neil Postman
Now you decide, what are your favorites? You can cast three votes and write a book in “Other” if it’s not on the list and I’ll add it to Reader Suggestions below. Click on “View Results” to see voting results.
Reader Suggestions
Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology by Neil Postman
iPod, YouTube, Wii Play: Theological Engagements with Entertainment by D. Brent Laytham.
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