As I’m often asked for book recommendations on various subjects, I decided to put together an online list of my top ten books in various categories. Basically, if I was only allowed 10 books in my library on that subject, these are the ten I would choose. Previous posts include:
- Top 10 Books on Christ in the Old Testament
- Top 10 Books on Preaching
- Top 10 Books on Depression
- Top 10 Biographies of Christian Men
- Top 10 Biographies of Christian Women
- Top 10 Books on Fighting Porn
- Top 10 Books for Moms
- Top 10 Books for Graduates
- Top 10 Books on Leadership
- Top 10 Books for Dads
- Top 10 Books on Using Technology
- Top 10 Puritan Books on Sin
- Top 10 Modern Books on the Doctrine of Sin
- Top 10 Books on Christians And Work
- Top 10 Books for Elders
- Top 10+ Gospel Books for Children
- Top 10+ Books on Marriage
- Top 10 Books for Youth Groups
A week or so ago, I listed the Top 10 on Leadership. These looked at the topic of leadership in general and were not written from an overtly Christian perspective. Today I’m listing the Top 10 Books on Christian Leadership, most of which I use in the Leadership Course I teach at Puritan Reformed Seminary. A future list will look at books specifically for pastoral ministry. You may also want to see the leadership resources here:
After this Top 10 list you’ll find a poll where you can cast three votes for your favorite books and help others choose the best books on the subject. Click on “View Results” to see what books are most popular.
You can also add any book not on the list by writing the title in “Other” or in the Comments I’ll add these to the end of the post under “Reader Suggestions.”
Top 10 Christian Leadership Books
1. Conviction to Lead, The: 25 Principles for Leadership That Matters by Al Mohler
Al Mohler in his inimitable swashbuckling style leads us deep into the heart of the leader to examine and establish his basic convictions from which everything else flows.
2. The Shepherd Leader by Timothy Wittmer
A theological and practical exploration of the primary biblical model of leadership – shepherding. If you want to bless your pastor and elders, buy them this book.
3. Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders
Definitely the most “spiritual” of the books on the list with a constant emphasis on the inner life of the leader. It’s also one of the most comprehensive books with 22 short chapters covering a wide range of leadership issues.
4. What’s Best Next by Matt Perman
A unique book in that it looks at productivity, time management, workflow, and vocation from the Christian perspective of good works for the glory of God.
5. The Book on Leadership by John Macarthur
A good basic textbook that is ideal for those just starting out on pastoral ministry and who are looking for a biblical basis for their calling and practice. Based largely on the life of the Apostle Paul with exegesis of numerous passages from Acts and the Epistles.
6. Leadership Handbook of Management and Administration
It’s a pity this book is only available for the Kindle, although you can still pick up used copies. It’s a unique kind of reference manual for the day to day administration involved in running a church. Multiple contributors with a high quality of content throughout.
7. You Lift Me Up: Overcoming Ministry Challenges by Al Martin
This book is Al Martin at his best, as he identifies three ministry challenges – ministerial backsliding, ministerial burnout, and credibility washout – and proposes various preventative and curative measures.
8. Spurgeon on Leadership by Larry J. Michael
A distillation of Spurgeon’s teaching on leadership as well as many biographical sections demonstrating how Spurgeon put his principles into practice.
9. The Steward Leader by R. Scott Rodin
Scott Rodin recovers one of the lost models of biblical leadership. He wants to instill stewardship as a mindset, as a worldview, but has many good sections on how this works out practically too.
10. Biblical Eldership by Alexander Strauch,
An outstanding book that has revolutionized the way many churches are run by demonstrating from the Bible the necessity of governance by a plurality of elders. Explains innumerable Bible texts on leadership.
Honorable Mentions
You need to read some of these with more discernment than the Top 10.
The Mentor Leader by Tony Dungy.
The Cross and Christian Ministry: Leadership Lessons From 1 Corinthians by Don Carson.
The Making of a Christian Leader by Ted Engstrom.
Building Leaders by Aubrey Malphurs.
Spiritual Leadership: Moving People on to God’s Agenda by Henry and Richard Blackaby.
Lead Like Jesus by Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges.
Now you decide, what are your favorites? You can cast three votes and write a book in “Other” if it’s not on the list and I’ll add it to Reader Suggestions below. Click on “View Results” to see voting results.