As I’m often asked for book recommendations on various subjects, I decided to put together an online list of my top ten books in various categories. Basically, if I was only allowed 10 books in my library on that subject, these are the ten I would choose. Other posts include:
- Top 10 Books on Christ in the Old Testament
- Top 10 Books on Preaching
- Top 10 Books on Depression
- Top 10 Biographies of Christian Women
- Top 10 Books on Fighting Porn
- Top 10 Books for Moms
- Top 10 Books for Graduates
- Top 10 Books on Leadership
- Top 10 Books on Christian Leadership
- Top 10 Books for Dads
- Top 10 Books on Using Technology
- Top 10 Puritan Books on Sin
- Top 10 Modern Books on the Doctrine of Sin
- Top 10 Books on Christians And Work
- Top 10 Books for Elders
- Top 10+ Gospel Books for Children
- Top 10+ Books on Marriage
- Top 10 Books for Youth Groups
Today I’m listing my Top 10 Biographies of Christian Men. Of course, these are personal preferences, so after my list you’ll find a poll where you can cast three votes for your favorite books and help others choose the best books on the subject. Click on “View Results” to see what books are most popular.
You can also add any book not on the list by writing the title in “Other” or in the Comments I’ll add these to the end of the post under “Reader Suggestions.”
1. Charles Spurgeon’s Autobiography: The Early Years
Companion volume, The Full Harvest. These two books were the first biography I read as a new Christian in my early twenties, and I’ll never forget it. Hugely influential in my call to the ministry and in my view of the ministry.
2. Life of Martyn Lloyd Jones by Iain H. Murray.
Condensed and partly re-written version of Murray’s earlier two-volume set, Vol. 1: The First Forty Years and Vol. 2: The Fight of Faith. Personally I’d choose the two volumes, but you’ll need a lot of time. As so many battles Lloyd-Jones started fighting are still being fought today, especially over the nature and authority of Scripture, there’s so much to learn from his life.
3. Andrew A. Bonar: Life and Letters by Marjory Bonar
First book I read in pastoral ministry and it left an indelible impression. I’ve got pages and pages of quotes that I still refer to and use. A passionate lover of Christ and of souls.
4. Robert Murray McCheyne by Andrew Bonar
One of the shorter biographies, but it will leave a lasting impact. It will make you more holy; or at least long for it.
5. Asahel Nettleton: Life and Labors by Bennet Tyler
Stirring book about the second Great Awakening; it will make you long for similar outpourings of the Spirit in our own day.
6. David Livingstone: The Truth Behind The Legend by Rob Mackenzie.
A balanced and realistic look at Livingstone’s life. It emphasizes the Christian motivation and mission behind his explorations, but it doesn’t sugar coat his shortcomings either, especially in connection with his wife that he left at home for years at a time.
7. J. I. Packer by Alister McGrath
Hugely influential in English-speaking evangelicalism for the past 60-70 years. No one has introduced more people to the doctrine and piety of the Puritans.
8. Jonathan Edwards: A Life by George Marsden.
One of the most highly acclaimed biographies of recent times and rightly so. Beautifully written with many incisive observations. Also consider Jonathan Edwards by Iain H. Murray
9. Here I Stand: A Life Of Martin Luther by Roland Bainton
Takes you not just into Luther’s life, but his mind and heart. And while you are at it, read Calvin by Bruce Gordon.
10. Defending The Faith: J. Gresham Machen by Daryl Hart.
A pivotal figure and time in modern church history. See also J Greshem Machen by Ned Stonehouse
Now you decide, what are your favorites? You can cast three votes and add a book if it’s not in the list.
Honorable Mentions
Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor by D. A. Carson.
George Whitefield: Volume 1 and Volume 2 by Arnold Dallimore.
Herman Bavinck by Ron Gleason.
The Life and Diary of David Brainerd by Jonathan Edwards.
Augustine of Hippo by Peter Brown.
C.S. Lewis by Alister McGrath
John Stott: The Making of a Leader by Timothy Dudley-Smith. Companion Volume John Stott: A Global Ministry.
Amazing Grace: Biography of William Wilberforce by Eric Metaxes. See also this excellent biography of Wilberforce.
Shadow of the Almighty: Life and Testament of Jim Elliot
Reader Suggestions
The Cross and the Switchblade by David Wilkerson.
Constrained By His Love: A New Biography of Robert Murray McCheyne by L. J. Van Valen
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